Custom Shinies: Custom Shiny Brionne!

by Joy~

Custom Shiny Brionne!.png
Joy~ Ta-Dah! Today i'm starting my Custom Shiny Series! To get a drawing of your own custom shiny, Comment down below the Pokemon, and one through three colors! (If you can't think of a color, tell me your favorite color and i'll take it from there!)

Hope you enjoy this series! (Note, this series is driven by comments. Unless i have an amazing idea i can't pass up, i will only be drawing from the comments)
  1. Joy~
    @Iqra That sounds like a plan! :p Lots of requests and things so it might take a while.
    Jun 25, 2017
    Iqra likes this.
  2. Vocaloid Emblem
    Vocaloid Emblem
    A Black Tirtouga and White Archen? Kinda like Yin and Yang?
    Jun 23, 2017
    Joy~ likes this.