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ASSAULT!!: Cuphead VS Bendy (Cuphead VS Bendy and the Ink Machine) | ASSAULT!! | Season 1 Finale!

by DopeLeafeon470

There was He-Man, there was Spongebob Squarepants, and there was Pokemon...but there were things before all this. Before cartoons were even popular. A simple animation.

He's DopeLeafeon and I'm Rotom!
And we've set up traps and weapons around the arena...but who will win the Assault?
Let me take you back to a simpler time. A time when the world was at peace, but was still missing something. Entertainment.
The world didn't exactly have good TVs back then, so then...uh...Dalt Wisney came up with an idea.
Did you even research the creator of it like I asked you to?
Ugh. So then Joey Drew came up with an idea: Animation.
And it was a hit! Joey made Bendy...who was literally Mickey Mouse.
That's really it. No more introduction needed for Bendy.
And then he made Boris and Alice the Angel!
She's quite a gal!
Until one day, the music director Sammy Lawrence got covered in ink and left his comrades behind.
Who escaped. I think.
Then Joey's characters came to life and his workmates had to flee.
Bendy became a demon, Boris became a completely and utterly useless Navi, and Alice became Harley Quinn.
But Sammy was still alive, and he put the mask on and went for it alone.
Then he found another guy. Finally, someone to keep him company...so he sacrificed him to "Lord" Bendy!
But that didn't go so well for him, and he was the sacrificed victim instead!
And so, Bendy was summoned and most YouTubers thought they could run away from him...when really he was moving the speed of a Bullet Bill...which is really slow by the way.
Also the Butcher Gang. Don't know why, just...The Butcher Gang.
Sometimes, Bendy's greatest weapon is just being there. What makes him powerful is his ink, which can fill up a whole room in a matter of seconds, leak through a sturdy roof, or Bendy can liquify himself in order to slip through cracks. Can also summon minions that don't do much.
But poisonous ink isn't his only weapon. He's stole weapons from Henry, such as an axe that can cut wood, and...a machine gun?
He's immune to bullets by the way.
And then Boris was all like "No worries Henreh you safe now :D".
And then Alice was all like "GIVE ME BACK MY BORIS!!!1!11!"
And then Bendy was all like "Hey guys I'm still here :D"
And then Henry was all like "Ok I'mma just go..."
But then Henry realized some characters were possessed by the peeps he worked with.
That was it, wasn't it?
Or maybe it was just Alice. (looks at face) *shiver*
Bendy isn's scared of anything, mostly because he's ink, and ink can't be erased.
Or maybe because he's a demon and that's what people are afraid of?
Sure, why not.
But I think we have to go back to his ink. He can teleport wherever there's ink, and is technically incorporeal.
But overall, Bendy is one mean, lean, ink-spitting machine.
Alice: But I'd hide if I were you...HE doesn't like it when you do that.
(Bendy rises from the ground)
Alice: (laughs)
Once upon another time, there was a mysterious place called Inkwell Isle. On that isle lived three peaceful creatures: Cuphead, Mugman, and Elder Kettle.
They lived happily with each other...until the brothers found a casino.
But this wasn't no ordinary casino. It was the DEVIL'S casino.
They felt unstoppable, roll after roll, win after win, buck after buck.
Until one day, while on their never-ending win streak, the owner of the casino came out to play: Lucifer.
Of course his actual name is just The Devil.
The Devil made the brothers a deal: Win one more roll, all the money in the casino was theirs. But if they lose, they have to hand over their souls to him.
And then Cuphead was all like "OH YEAH!" and then Mugman was all like "OH NO!"
But by then it was already too late. Cuphead lost the roll and ALMOST had their heads.
The only way Cuphead and Mugman could inch their way out of the deal was to mercilessly kill some runaway souls.
...or, you know, catch them.
After some Popeye, Street Fighter, Tom & Jerry, and Undertale references, they made it to the final boss.
We could do Mugman...but we chose Cuphead since he's the cover of the game.
Cuphead has a variety of attacks, but to start, there's his classic Peashooter. Sound familiar?
Yep. This guy shoots alcohol as a weapon. Sweet!
But...doesn't the ammo come from his head?
Yeah, why?
But his head is alcohol...and the Peashooter is water.
Dude...that's weird.
But he can access other liquids. His Spread goes three ways but has less range, the Chaser are homing shots, the Lobbers are technically grenades, his Charge is his own version of the Hadoken, and the Roundabouts are boomerangs.
Cuphead can also bounce on vulnerable objects, such as worms, fists, seeds, and hearts.
But Cuphead can also glide for a short amount of time, and even has his own planes with bullets that can shatter metal and rock.
Cuphead has beat *inhale* The Root Pack, Goopy Le Grande, Hilda Berg, King Die, The Devil, Carney Carnation, Ribby and Croaks, Baroness Von Bon Bon, Beppi the Clown, Djimmy the Great, Grim Matchstick, Wally Warbles, Rumor Honeybottoms, Captain Brineybeard, Sally Stageplay, Werner Werman, Dr. Kahl and his robot, Cala Maria (:T), and the Phantom Express!
But then again, Cuphead can only take 4 hits, making him a glass cannon.
But overall, you don't f*ck with the cup.
Cuphead: Oh, please, Mr. Devil, there must be SOMETHING we can do to repay you!
Alrighty then, both characters have been researched, it's time to prepare for the Assault!
Cuphead was wondering around in the workshop. "G-golly, this place sure is spooky..." said Cuphead nervously. "Go...leave this place...you are not welcome here..." said a messed up voice, as a puddle of ink splatted onto the floor.
Bendy arose from the ground.
"I said...LEAVE THIS PLACE!!!" it yelled, but its mouth stayed in the same position. What would Grandpa Kettle do? Uh... But Cuphead stayed put.
"Fine...have it YOUR way..." said Bendy.
Then a voice came up. "Here's a real high-class bout! Now GO!" said an energetic voice.
(Ruse of an Ooze - Cuphead)
Bendy heard the sound of fingers snapping.

Cuphead started shooting at Bendy, but he didn't even flinch. Bendy started rocketing towards Cuphead, but he jumped, bounced on his head, and glided to the other side of the room. Bendy grabbed an axe found on the floor, ran towards Cuphead and swung as hard as he could, but missed and the wall broke. Cuphead switched his weapon to Spread and started shooting again.
Bendy used his axe again, but when he missed, he shot ink at him and hit, making Cuphead less flexible.
HP. 3
Cuphead switched his weapon to Roundabout and hit Bendy, then he switched his weapon to Charge and shot the ink off him. He used Charge again at Bendy, but he blocked with the axe, breaking it. Bendy held out his hand and a gun came to his disposal. They both shot at each other for a bit, but then Cuphead whistled his cartoon whistle, and a plane crashed through the wall, Cuphead jumping onto it. He flew up and shot down at Bendy. Bendy shielded the attacks like they were nothing, and shot ink onto the hood of the plane. Bendy teleported into it. "Uh-oh." said Cuphead. Bendy arose from the ink on the plane. Cuphead turned the plane to auto-pilot and hopped onto the hood, and they had a close-quarters fight from there. Bendy finds an opening and takes it, making Cuphead hold onto the edge of the wing. Just when Bendy is about to finish him off, Cuphead jumps up and glides back to the cockpit. Bendy keeps attempting to take him down, but the same goes for Cuphead. Cuphead twirled the plane, but nothing happened. Then Bendy had an idea. He grabbed Cuphead by the shirt and brought him into the ink.

Cuphead looked at himself. He was less...alive. He looked up and saw a cleaner, more purified Bendy. "That's that. With that out of the way, let's finish this, shall we?" asked Bendy, tightening his bow tie and grabbing another axe.
(Little Big Boys - One Minute Melee)
Cuphead switched his weapon to the Lobber and shot three of them, and dove behind cover. The three exploded in Bendy's face, but he moved out of the way just in time. Cuphead looked up and got combo-d by Bendy.
HP. 2
Cuphead was starting to get worn out. Bendy saw this as another opportunity and ran towards him. Cuphead broke the axe with Charge and whistled again, bringing him his plane. He didn't let Bendy hop on. Instead, he rammed into him. Bendy, aggravated, hopped onto the wing again and punched Cuphead.
HP. 1
Now Cuphead was tired. One more hit and he was done for. "Getting tired, boy?" asked Bendy, with a smug look on his face. Cuphead looked past him and saw a cartoon mountain. "Don't get too cocky!" said Cuphead, bracing himself as he shot Bendy once to shoot him back into the mountain, then Cuphead rammed into the mountain with his plane, propellers turning, grinding Bendy into the rock. A blinding light infects the screen.

Cuphead slowly wakes up. His [non-existent] ears ringing, his head cracked. He saw ink everywhere. Then he saw Bendy's smiling head, with x's for eyes. He picked the head up, and said, "To ink, or not to ink. That is the question."

(Victory Screen - Cuphead)
Golly! A perfect score!
Bendy is physically powerful, but Cuphead just has more authority in both worlds. When Bendy is in the real world, he can use ink to his disposal, but when he travels to the cartoon world, he loses all that ink because this was his original form. On the contrary, Cuphead has an arsenal made for any situation, and doesn't have any limitations. Plus, Cuphead has done WAY more than Bendy ever could. Even someone more powerful than Bendy: The Devil. And Bendy was a 1920's cartoon, and Cuphead was a 1930's cartoon.
But overall, Bendy needed to get his head in the game.
The winner is Cuphead.

Hey everyone! I'm about to reveal the first matchup for Season 2! But before I do, I would like to thank you all for 1,000 likes! I'm still looking for something to do for so many...but I guess you're tired of these annoying words.

For the Season 1 Finale of Assault, we had two cartoon devil-dealers face off.
But sometimes, you have to purify that crap.
And to show my love for these two franchises...
I'll give you this.
People who [probably] wanted to be tagged:

I hope you all have a fabulous day!
  1. Mewtwofan259
    @Fraseandchico He's done that before. Him and I came together for a battle one time.
    Oct 28, 2017
  2. Fraseandchico
    By the way, You might wanna Bring in a guest Soon, If you get someone extremely popular in, you can get more likes and more of a chance for an accurate Result.
    Oct 28, 2017
  3. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Paper Mario vs Toon Link? This should be good.

    Great battle! I still think the lack of specifications given to Bendy makes the results of this battle uncertain at best, but with what you were given you did a great job!
    Oct 28, 2017
  4. Fraseandchico
    Yey, I was Right.
    Oct 28, 2017