Cloudy Alignment: Cloudy Alignment (Right)

by Morningstar

Clouds (Right aligned)(Violet).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Indigo).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Azure).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Cerulean).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Veridian).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Spring).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Harlequin).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Chartreuse).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Aureolin).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Tangerene).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Vermilion).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Crimson).png Clouds (Right aligned)(Magenta).png
Morningstar Set Two of a Series I made. With the other set being a mirrored version. There are two examples based on how the name is justified
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