Chill out: Chill out 5.

by Herp derp hermit

Herp derp hermit Another ship in my armada! They turned the deep web into a plain Google search engine.
"Are you judging me vio? I like what I like." Adric said. " No, I'm saying instead of hitting on my sister, you can help out. " vio countered. "Fine. What is this clue?" Adric asked. "These gang members all have the same emblem on their left arm. It's a Pentagon-shaped skull? I looked it up on the deep web, and figured out that this gang boss, ERicus, has all his terrorists wear those emblems as tatoos." Vio explained. "Very intresting." Adric said. " Oi, are you forgetting me? I'm here too! " rose said, slamming her fists in the table. "I'm still annoyed you were hitting on my sister." Vio said, poking Adric with the ink on the map, and ignoring rose. " I deserved that. " Adric said.