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by T.C.

T.C. Here are all the contestants for my new show!

Balloon: Balloon can’t talk at all, because of that, nobody really knows her personality at all. But from her body language, it’s clear that she is very distant.
Briefcase: Briefcase is very formal. He will make sure everything is proper. He is also a business man.
Circle: Circle was the old host of The Pokécharms Show, however, due to his major failures, he was demoted into being a contestant. Circle was very kind, but now is distant and alone.
Flaggy: Flaggy is super gay. He acts all feminine, and loves to spread “tea”. But he is very good and listening and helping people who are in tough times.
H: H is extremely pessimistic. He hates everything and wishes for the world to burn.
High Heel: High Heel is very entitled. She wants everything to go her way and bend to her will. And when she doesn’t get her way, she throws a tantrum.
Jawbreaker: Jawbreaker is very energetic. She will roll around everywhere asking people to play.
Monkey Bread: Monkey Bread acts just like a monkey. He just hops around, throwing things.
Netherite: Netherite is a jock. He believes that he is super strong and can beat anyone.
Pita Chip: Pita Chip is very shy. Whenever someone tries to talk to her, she runs away in fear.
Protractor: Protractor is very joyful, she always will want to help.
Robot Eyeball: Robot Eyeball is very bland now that he’s broken. He doesn’t really do much besides move around aimlessly.
Spiked Punch: Spiked Punch is very drunk in a stereotypical way. She is always slurring her words, and cannot even stand perfectly upright.
Tortilla: Tortilla is a major jerk. She always believes that she is better than everyone else to ever exist.
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