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Character Concept Progress

by Malgai

Full Pokemon Classified Portrait Progress 1.PNG
Malgai Here is the full canvas of all characters I've made so far. A Yellow background means they work for Team Abyss.
As you can see there are two empty slots, the top's for Gym Leader Jace, a local milkman who discovered his hidden talent of battling and uses that skill to balance being a gym leader and working at his family's farm. He's a calm and kind person, so much so that almost everyone in Eleos knows of him just for his contagious smile.
The bottom is actually the first Elite Four member I'm designing. His name is Cornelius and he's the grandfather to Roy and Liam.
Cornelius is an elderly, but yet lively man who's obsessed with history. You'll rarely ever find him at his home because he's too busy exploring and studying the Ruby Desert, a desert in Eleos that's notorious for having beautiful red-tinted sand and ancient structures dating all the way back to when Eleos was first inhabited.

That's all that I have so far, I can't wait to make more concepts in the future
  1. Malgai
    Man, it's crazy to see my growth as a pixel artist since I first joined PokeCharms. I look at my old concepts of Samson and Roy compared to what I have now, the progress is insane.
    Since in a little over a year I'm going to college to learn about programming and graphic design, I'm hoping to work with a friend to make this game a reality as a practice project. Unfortunately, due to GameFreak's less than ideal outlook on fan games, I'm just gonna make this a game I share with friends and family, I don't want to risk having any issues with GameFreak. But who knows, maybe in the future they lighten up and I can publish the finished product online with no trouble. Only time will tell.
    Apr 24, 2021
    -AlexTheMimikyu- and ~Rinko~ like this.