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The Alpha League: Chapter Eight - Atomic Army

by Mockingchu

Mockingchu The free-willed Alpha Humans are now separated in Nova City. Dr. Atomic prepares to leave Nova City in hopes of taking over the entire world.
Samantha landed in her secret base under Shields Corporations, with Eric Lange in her arms. Eric's Midnight Owl suit was almost completely destroyed. Only part of the right arm of his suit remained intact, along with the left leg down to the knee. A thin strip of metal crossed his chest. The rest of his suit had been decimated. Samantha set Eric down.
"Thanks for saving my life," Eric said, relieved.
"You're welcome. I just hope the others are okay..."
"Silver Skull can take the two of us on," Eric pointed out, "He shouldn't have any problem with one madman with some crazy gadgets."
"Dr. Atomic has created an army," Samantha reminded Eric, "Everyone under his control has powers. Silver Skull could be facing a group of ten or twenty Alpha Humans. And then there's Alec and the mayor. Alec is probably new to his powers, considering we've never seen him before. And Mayor Ignus doesn't like to use his powers. They could have some trouble."
"What do we do?" Eric asked, "My suit is destroyed. I'd get taken down easily out there."
"I have something that you could use," Samantha said, "Before I made the suit you use, I made a prototype. It's got quite a few bugs, but it helped me get to the final product. Luckily for you, I kept the prototype. You could use it."
"Let's see it."
Samantha walked over to a corner of the base, and waved her hand. The walls unfolded, revealing a strange bundle of cords. A wiry exoskeleton. Thin wings hung from the arms.
"Oh boy."

Alec tumbled to a stop with Mayor Ignus falling from his arms. They rolled along a road for a few seconds until they both rolled into a small ditch on the shoulder.
"Ouch," Mayor Ignus said plainly.
"How much do you weigh?" Alec groaned, "At first I thought you were light. My opinion changed after a few seconds."
"I'm going to pretend that you didn't ask your mayor about his weight," Ignus said, climbing out of the ditch.
"Sorry about that Mr. Mayor," Alec said, speeding out of the ditch and standing next to the mayor. Smoke billowed out of the heart of the city.
"My precious city," Ignus sighed, shaking his head.
"It's not lost yet Mr. Mayor," Alec said, "There's still the Alpha League."
"The what?" Ignus asked.
"The Alpha League. It's got a nice ring to it, yeah?"
"I guess," Ignus admitted, "But what is it?"
"Us. Flare. Midnight Owl. Silver Skull."
"You've got a lot of heart," Ignus smiled, "I'm glad that I'm the mayor of a city that has kids like you. Even if it going up in flames."
Alec smiled, but didn't say anything.
"Alec, how far away from the city did you get us?" Ignus asked.
"Pretty far," Alec said, "I don't know exactly how far. Why?"
"Because Atomic's goons are coming," Ignus gulped.
"How'd they get here so quickly?" Alec yelled, exasperated. Suddenly, there was a whooshing sound, and Ignus was gone. Speedsters. Alec's eyes flashed a neon blue color, and the world around him seemed to slow down. He saw a kid with shaggy, loose brown hair running at super speed. He was dragging Ignus away. Alec recognized the kid. It was his friend, Sebastian.
"Sebastian!" Alec called. He didn't turn around. Alec started sprinting towards his friend, and was catching up. He lunged forward, and tackled Sebastian. Sebastian rolled over, and unleashed a primal roar. His eyes were a golden color.
"Seb?" Alec asked, hoping to see a sign of recognition. Instead, Sebastian threw a superspeed punch at Alec. Alec shot upwards, and crashed on the ground with a thud. Ignus and Sebastian were nowhere to be seen. And the crowd of mind-controlled Alphas were still approaching.

Silver Skull drummed his fingers on the steering wheel of the red Porsche. He was glad that there was no traffic, although abandoned cars did make it hard to navigate through the city. Behind him, there was a woman that was the size of a four-story building. She was charging towards him. He sighed, and stepped out of the Porsche. He pulled out two Desert Eagles, and fired at the giant woman. She seemed more annoyed than hurt. She tore a building out of the ground, and hurled it at Silver Skull. He dove out of the way, and the building flew past him, shredding through cards like they were butter. He hopped from car to car, until he managed to hold onto a large leg hair. He scaled the giant's leg, and steadied himself on her belt. She swatted at him, and he gripped her finger. Her arm soared upwards, and Silver Skull let go. He landed on top of the giant's head, and used strands of hair as ropes to navigate down to her eyes. There, he fired one bullet into each, blinding her. She fell backwards, leveling three buildings. Silver Skull walked away.
Suddenly, a blur shot past him, and he thought he saw Mayor Ignus's face. He fired at the blur, but it was gone too quickly. Silver Skull turned around to see a blue streak approaching. He prepared to fire at it until it stopped, and he saw that it was Alec.
"You're not dead?" Silver Skull asked, impressed.
"Not yet," Alec said, "The mind-controlled Alphas were right on my tail. I have no idea how."
"I think I've got an idea," Silver Skull said, pointing to a large purple circle behind Alec. Alpha Humans under Dr. Atomic's influence stepped out.
"That's so unfair," Alec groaned, "Using portals is like cheating."
"Quit whining," Silver Skull ordered, assuming a battle stance.
"Yes, please do," came Dr. Atomic's voice. He lowered himself down next to Alec and Silver Skull. He had been hovering above.
"Look who decided to join us," Silver Skull growled.
"It's Dr. Cliché," Alec said.
"You Millennials," Dr. Atomic sighed, shaking his head.
"Do I count as a Millennial if I was born in 2001?" Alec asked.
"I, uh, I guess, um, hold on," Dr. Atomic muttered, "You know what? It doesn't matter."
"Now I really want to know," Alec said.
"SILENCE!" Dr. Atomic boomed. He extended his index finger towards Alec, and a beam of golden energy shot towards him. Alec's eyes flared, and he dodged the blast. He tackled Dr. Atomic at super speed, but Dr. Atomic managed to stay conscious.
Suddenly, something whizzed by Alec's ear. He saw that it was two missiles, and sped away. The missiles exploded on Dr. Atomic's chest. Alec and Silver Skull turned to see Eric Lange in a strange exoskeleton. He was on top of a roof, next to Samantha. Samantha flew down, and started punching Dr. Atomic with flaming fists. Dr. Atomic slammed his fists against the ground, sending out a shockwave that flung Samantha away.
"I have no more time to waste with your petty resistance," Dr. Atomic growled. He held his palm out, and a spark formed between his middle finger and his thumb.
"Today, we leave Nova City. Today, we begin our conquest of the world!" Dr. Atomic exclaimed. He snapped, and the barrier around Nova City shattered. Dr. Atomic hovered in the air, and smiled.
The Atomic Army was ready to conquer the entire world. They applauded, then turned to Samantha, Silver Skull, and Alec. Eric swooped down from the rooftop, and prepared to make a stand against the Atomic Army.
"Dr. Atomic, if you want to get out of this city alive, you'll have to defeat us," Samantha said, igniting.
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