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Spooky's story: Chapter 7

by Bluesthecat

Bluesthecat A trainer try's to catch Spooky so Coal, Brownie and Fang Jr. make sure the trainer won't!
Spooky, Coal and Brownie said goodbye and went out of the cave "wait!" Fang Jr. said "Can I come? My daddy said I could!" "Sure." Brownie said. When walking they found a trainer "Wow four Pokemon! I want that Pikachu!" the trainer said "Pikachu? It's a Mimikyu!" Coal yelled "Go Charmeleon!" the trainer said "Hey look a Kakuna, Zubat and Charmander...Weak!" the Charmeleon said "Use dragon rage!" "We won't let you!" Brownie said as the Charmeleon used dragon rage on Coal, Brownie and Fang Jr. "Good now used dragon rage on the Pikachu!" "No..." Spooky said using shadow ball "What!" the trainer said "When can Pikachu learn shadow ball?" "I'm not Pikachu!" Spooky said "I'm Mimikyu!" he said using shadow ball again "Come on let's go!" Spooky's said.