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Spooky's story: Chapter 5

by Bluesthecat

Bluesthecat Spooky, Coal, Brownie and the other Weedle's VS Pidgey's!
Spooky and Coal are helping Brownie and the other Weedle's fight the Pidgey "Hey Brownie!" Spooky said "What?" "Even thought you took our berrys, we're still going to help you!" Spooky said using shadow ball on Pidgey's "Thanks..." Brownie said "You can't win!" a Pidgey said "Master Fearow!" "What!" a Fearow said comming to them "We need you to help us fight these Pokemon!" "Weedle's, a Charmander and...What is that, a Pikachu?" "No, I'm a Mimikyu!" it said "Whatever!" it said ready to attack! The Weedle's were using poison sting, Coal was using ember and Spooky was using shadow ball. The Pidgey's and the Fearow were using peck! "Retreat!" a Weedle said as all but one Weedle left, the one still there was Brownie! "You can't have these berrys!" Weedle said starting to glow! It evolved "It evolved!" a Pidgey said "If it become a Beedrill we're screwed!" the Fearow said flying away as all the other Pidgey's followed. "Hey thanks for helping us." Brownie said "Do you want to be friends?" "Sure!" Spooky and Coal said.