Chapter 5: Space Race

by T.C.

T.C. On a remote island far away from any civilization, a crazy entity appeared, and began to play dangerous games with the residents. And now, to stay in the game, they are dependent on you, the viewers! Who will win the grand prize, and who will be sent away?
“Good morning!” Protractor said.
“Yep.” Tortilla replied.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m not with my alliance anymore! They are my best friends, and now I’m on a different team!”
“Well..” Protractor started “We can make an alliance!”
“No! That’s it, I’m leaving!” Tortilla said as she stood up, and stormed off.

“I regret voting out Jawbreaker..” Pita Chip said.
“Why?” asked H.
“She helped us make a plan last episode.”
“Yeah, but she was rude! She caused us to lose Punch! We can do this together.. friends to the end?”
“Yeah!” exclaimed Pita Chip.

“Everyone, gather around! We need you all to settle something!” Baba yelled.
“What is it?” Protractor asked.
“Do you want to stay on this stupid show, or join my new, amazing show?” Barbra said.
“Hmm..” Circle wondered, “What is the prize for winning?”
“The best prize is a surprise!”
“You lost my vote with that horrendous pun.” Tortilla said.
“Why don’t we just vote to eliminate one of you? Winner gets to host, loser gets trapped in the banner.” H thought aloud.
Baba smiled, “I’ll agree to this, because I know I’m gonna win!”

After a while, the contestants and co-hosts exited Netherite’s cobblestone base. They were ready to reveal the votes.

Screeny made an empty pie chart on his screen, and began to fill it in with the votes. It was an even split, five votes for each.

“Now what?” Barbra asked.
“Oh, I have an idea!” Protractor began. “Let’s do a contest! Baba can join our team, and Barbra can join team Barbra! The losing team loses the host, their co-host, and a member!”
“But what’s the contest?” Circle asked Protractor.
“To get to the moon! You can help people on your team, but you can’t just fly or teleport them up!”
“Unfair!” exclaimed H.

No time was wasted, Baba and Barbra teleported themselves onto the moon, with Hairy close behind.

“Okay team, any ideas?” Pita Chip asked.

Monkey Bread got an idea. Just like in the first challenge, he used his tail to hit Pita Chip and H up to the moon. Now all he had to do was to get himself up there.

“Oh no!” Flaggy yelled. “They only need one more person to get to the top!”
“Balloon!” Circle started, “Please, carry one or two of us up, we can jump off of you, which means you technically didn’t fly us up!”

Balloon was very nervous, but she agreed. She tired her string around Circle, and he grabbed onto Screeny.

“Bye new friends!” Screeny displayed as he flew off.
“Hey, Monkey Bread!” Tortilla yelled. “We’re still in an alliance, care to help us up?”
Monkey Bread gave Tortilla a look of disgust. He used his foot to write a message in the dirt. The message read “Me and Pita Chip are now in an alliance with H.”
Tortilla gasped. “How could you?!”

Monkey Bread stuck out his tongue, and jumped up to where Balloon was. He landed on Balloon, and jumped the rest of the way to the moon.

“Haha!” Barbra laughed. “You lose, Baba!”
“Whoops! Bye for now, friendos!” Baba said, before teleporting himself and Screeny away.
“It’s now elimination time for Team Baba!”

Once Barbra got all the contestants at the elimination area, she cleared her throat. “Let’s begin this elimination! First vote, Tortilla! Tortilla! Circle! Protractor! And the final vote goes to Flaggy! So, with two votes, Tortilla is eliminated! And, Flaggy finally received his first vote!”
“Oh well, I guess I’m eliminated. Circle, Protractor, Balloon, good luck. H, Flaggy, Monkey Bread, and Pita Chip.. fuck off.”​
“You can’t swear! Right?” Protractor asked.
“I don’t give a shit about that!” Tortilla snapped back.
“Okay, you’re going into the banner. Bye girl!”

Barbra grabbed Tortilla, and threw her into the banner.

“Well, that was an.. interesting elimination.” Flaggy said.
“Agreed.” Circle replied.
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