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Spooky's story: Chapter 4

by Bluesthecat

Bluesthecat Spooky and Coal met Brownie the Weedle who was eating all there berrys!
Spooky let go of Brownie "Did you really need to drop me?" "Sorry." Spooky said "All these berrys are mine!" Brownie said as more Weedle's came and started eating the berrys "Berrys!" "I know that voice!" Spooky said as Pidgey's flew at the Weedle's "Attack!" a Weedle said as tons of Weedle's started using poison sting "We should get out of here!" Coal said "Comming!" Spooky replied but then turned around "Poor Weedle's..." Spooky said about to use a shadow ball on a Pidgey. "You!" the Pidgey said going to attack Spooky "Eat a ember, Pidgey!" Coal said using ember on the Pidgey "Are you ok Spooky?" Coal asked "Yes, I'm fine but what about Brownie and the other Weedle's? We need to help them!" Spooky said.