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Chapter 2 Ayul Garden and the Portal

by Danzie 2017

Danzie 2017
Chapter 2 Aul Garden and the Portal

“Here is Aul Garden where all the souls of the pure good humans stay” He happily told them. They all looked around with smiles on their faces as they looked at the dandelions and gracideas that were all beautiful. But the Golden flower was kalon and selcouth and had the most sweetest scent out of any flower that was ever smelt in the world. It was made with the stealthy gold that cannot be ruined unless by something that has as much power as a deity. The crew’s eyes glimmered as they looked at it as they were all surprised on how strong it is. “Let me tell you all a story for how this aesthetic flower was born. So my mother Agatha was walking through a xyst until a weirdly coloured apple dropped onto the ground. Inside the apple was golden seeds that were uber rare. She thought it was a sweven but it was real and she just couldn’t believe it. She called her mate Selencio, that was argute, and asked him if he could find out how the seeds were in this apple. After a while, Selencio found out that there was a tonic inside the apple that could’ve been injected by some mystical creature or wizard or something. And that’s all I remember” explained Apache. “Now to the last room”.

Later on, Apache showed the final room called ‘The Omnipotent room’. “This is the room where angels will be able to fight the bad throughout the places as a quest expedition. So you 4 will be fallen angels for a while but later you’ll be revived back to normal angels by the cherubs, okay” he explained clearly. They nodded and Apache took them to the portal, “This portal could be minacious if your not careful. Well laddies time for you all to go for your first expedition in the town of the Netherworld, good luck.” He said cheering them on.