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Spooky's story: Chapter 10

by Bluesthecat

Bluesthecat Spooky starts training so he could get stronger!
Spooky got blown away "My friends...Coal...Brownie...Fang Jr....Star...I will save you..." Spooky said crying "I need to train!" so Spooky trained and trained but then meet two Pokemon "Hello!" the Pokemon said "Who are you?" Spooky asked "I'm Tails the Vulpix and that's Flame the Flareon!" Tails said "Oh. Hey can you guys help me?" Spooky asked "Sure." Flame said "Thanks. My friend got kidnapped so I need help to save them." Spooky explained "Ok! Let's go!" Tails said following Spooky "There they are!" Spooky said using shadow claw to point at the cage "That's Coal and that's Star and there's Fang Jr. and there's Brownie." Spooky explained "Ok let's go save them!" Flame said "Hey Fearow!" said Tails "Eat flamethrower!" Tails said using flamethrower, this gave Spooky time to open up the cage to let Coal, Brownie, Fang Jr. and Star out "What?" Fearow said madly "Attack!".