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Kanto story: Chapter 10: Charmeleon

by Bluesthecat

Bluesthecat Alex's Charmander evolves!
Alex found the exit and went out. He saw Mike coming out of the Pokemon Center "There's a gym in here. You should go fight it." Mike said. So Alex went to go fight the gym "Go Staryu!" the gym leader said "Go Magnemite!" "Use water gun!" "Use electro ball!" Alex ordered, making the Staryu faint "Return Staryu. Go Starmie!" she said "Return. Go Bulbasaur!" Alex said "Hydro pump!" "Use seed bomb!" Alex ordered. This made the Starmie faint "Yes!" Alex said "Take your badge." the gym leader said handing Alex his badge "Nice. Let's go Bulbasaur." Alex said "Ivy." Alex turned around and saw that Bulbasaur evolved! "Wow." Alex said "Return." so Alex went outside ready to show Mike but saw Mike training a Nidoking and a Raichu! "Wow." Alex whispered. So Alex went and trained up his Charmander. It evolved it Charmeleon! "Can't wait to battle Mike soon." Alex said to himself.
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