Fumi-iko's Alola Exploring: Chapter 1: The New One

by BloomingSkyShaymin

BloomingSkyShaymin This has no sense
Once upon a time Skitty named Fumi-iko and its female so when she arived to alola! Fumi-iko said "Yes im finally here!" she met a Litten and a Popplio. Popplio said "Who are you?" Fumi-iko was suprised that she met other pokemon shes to shy to talk to some pokemon Litten said "Well my sis is kinda werid." Fumi-iko said "Wait Popplio is your sister?!" also she said to Popplio "Litten is your Brother?!" Popplio and Litten said "Yes we are sister and brother!" Fumi-iko said "Oh yeah.." shes really impressed that already know Fumi-iko looked in Popplio's Bag Popplio said "Hey what are you doing?!" then Fumi-iko took out a comic book with beloved heroes Fumi-iko said "Huh who are those guys?" Popplio said "Nothing heh ok so we got this comic book my brother's fave character is started with C and ends with D" Fumi-iko is thinking "hmm starts with C ends with D Cuphead i think so i have to ask Litten" Fumi-iko is asking Litten "Hey Litten is Cuphead is your fave character?" Litten said "Uh yeah it is!" but he blushed that Fumi-iko knows that and he said "my sister's fave character is Mugman you know?" Fumi-iko said "Now i know!" and she said "We can be friends!" Litten and Popplio said "Yes!"
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