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The Anecdote of Galacta Knight: Chapter 1: Clone Catastrophe

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 Well, looks like I did have the motivation to make this a thing.
"Uh, hey Dark Matter, do you notice anything...odd...about Popstar?" asked Shadow Daven. "It looks like the planet was mechanized. We have to find a way in," said Galacta Knight. "And we can't break through, they have a heavy security," said Galacta Knight. "How do you know all this stuff?" asked Shadow Daven. "I've been here a long time, boy," replied Galacta Knight as he flew to the planet. Dark Matter and Dark Daven followed.

The trio looked at the guards, "You ready for a silent takedown?" asked Shadow Daven. Dark Matter nodded. Galacta Knight shook, his head, but he knew there was no other way. Dark Matter disappeared into the floor, Galacta Knight flew into the sky, and Shadow Daven...well...Shadow Daven tried his best. He tried not to make a sound while moving. The guard noticed him, and pushed a button, but no sound came. Dark Matter engulfed it in his giant mouth, and swallowed it whole. "Uh, I didn't know you could do that..." said Shadow Daven. "That button must've let everyone know we're here, we have to hurry," said Galacta Knight. The trio ran inside, only to find an endless hallway...it just kept on going and going. "Hang on a sec...what are these...?" said Shadow Daven, picking up a single tube of a purple circle. "DON'T TOUCH THAT!" said Galacta Knight. It startled Shadow Daven and made him drop the tube. The circle splatted onto the floor. "You've just killed us all!" yelled Galacta Knight. "Maybe I WOULDN'T have dropped it if you hadn't made such a big deal about it! Speaking of which, what IS the big deal?" asked Shadow Daven. The purple ball mutated.
(Squeak Squad Theme - Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
A mouse appeared with a wand.
"What the heck is this?" asked Shadow Daven, dodging an attack from Daroach Clone. "You've unleashed a DNA clone," grumbled Galacta Knight, preparing to slice it. Dark Matter swung around the Rainbow Sword in front of Daroach Clone but he was quickly knocked back by his Triple Star. "I think we just have to get rid of that wand and he'll be left vulnerable!" said Shadow Daven. Dark Matter quickly got up and shot little projectiles at Daroach Clone, mainly at Triple Star. Triple Star was knocked out of Daroach Clone's hand, and Shadow Daven put back his hammer so he could nab Triple Star. "Got it!" he shouted. But then it disappeared and reappeared in Daroach Clone's hand. "So much for that idea," said Shadow Daven. Galacta Knight raised his sword and lightning struck Daroach Clone. Shadow Daven hammer flipped Daroach Clone, and later Dark Matter sliced Daroach Clone's Triple Star in half, but it grew back shortly. Daroach Clone raised its wand, preparing for a powerful attack, but he was stabbed by Galacta Knight. That was the last blow. Daroach Clone was knocked all over the place but finally stopped in the center and exploded. "Is this place full of those clones?" asked Shadow Daven. "Not of the same person, imbecile! These tubes are filled with samples of Dreamland's deadliest enemies!" whispered Galacta Knight loudly. "What's with the whispering?" asked Shadow Daven. Galacta Knight jerked his eyes to his right. Shadow Daven and Dark Matter looked up and saw a giant mother computer. "L...O...A...D...I...N...G..." said the giant robot. "Uh...hi...?"said Shadow Daven. "SH!" whispered Galacta Knight. "I do not believe we have met before. And I do not think you should be here," said Star Dream. Dark Matter sunk into the floor to get a sneak attack in. "If you do not leave now, I am afraid I must resort to destroying you," said Star Dream. After successfully sneaking behind Star Dream, Dark Matter got a charged sword strike in. It phased through. "Damn it! It's a hologram!" said Galacta Knight. "That must be a recording for visitors," said Shadow Daven. "And at this time period, Meta Knight should be near Star Dream..."
"But he wasn't here. Which means Star Dream and Meta Knight are somewhere else," said Galacta Knight. "Then we have to hurry! He could be walking away from explosions any second now!" Shadow Daven hopped on Dark Matter's back and the trio flew through the roof.