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Chapter 1: Beyond the Grave

by DopeLeafeon470

???: You must be Fawful.
Fawful: Yes! And I have heard of the dimention-bending piece of paper Dimentio!
Dimentio: How did you get here?
Fawful: I HAVE FURY! Red and green trapped me down here after Fawful ALMOST squash fink-rats!
Dimentio: You must be very evil...tell me more.
Fawful: Fawful used to work for the Lady Cackletta! Fawful and Cackletta were cool-beans, ultimate duo!
Dimentio: I'm listening...
Fawful: I HAVE FURY! Then red and green squash Cackletta! And green dunk Fawful!
Dimentio: Go on...
Fawful: Then the soul of Cackletta invade giant turtle body! Giant turtle body give Cackletta power!
Dimentio: Then what?
Fawful: I HAVE FURY! Then red and green fink-rats squash Cackletta's soul!
Dimentio: What if I told you I could get us out of here?
Fawful: Fawful would do the thanking, yes!
Dimentio: Then that settles it. You and I have the same motives. We almost got what we wanted, and together, we can accomplish it.
Fawful: Yes! YES!
Dimentio: Then let us go and conquer that Mushroom Kingdom, shall we?
Fawful: Fawful is liking that idea!
Dimentio: Good. (teleports to surface)

Luigi: Mario!
Mario: Ungh...
Luigi: (Italian gibberish)
Mario: Okie-dokie!
Luigi: Let's-a-go!
(they go outside)
Mario and Luigi: OH NO!!!
Fawful: (laugh) Fawful has the returning!
Mario and Luigi: (ready stance)
Dimentio: You dare challenge us? Hmph. Very well. Fawful will teach you a lesson.
Fawful: I HAVE FURY!
(Tutorial theme plays)
Starlow: Mario! Did you forget battle commands?
Mario: >Yes No
Starlow: Oh, okay. See this block? That's the Jump Block. Press A to use it!
Mario: (A)
Starlow: Good! Now press A again...
Mario: (A) (Jumps on Fawful)
Starlow: Good! Now good luck in the fight!
(Fawful hits Mario)
Starlow: Wait, one more thing! Did you know you can dodge Fawful's attacks? Press A once the attack comes to you!
Mario: Mmhmm. (nods)
Mario: >Jump >Fawful
Starlow: STOP! Press A twice for extra damage!
Mario: (A) Good! Excellent!!
Starlow: Perfect! Okay, you're on your own now.
A new entry was added to the Battle Guide!
Fawful: I HAVE FURY! Me and Dimentio will be kidnapping princess now!
Fawful and Dimentio: (evil laugh)
Starlow: Phew! That was close. But didn't that guy look...familiar...?
Mario and Luigi: Hmm... (scratches chin)
Luigi: !
Starlow: What is it, Luigi?
Luigi: (Italian gibberish)
Starlow: WHAT?! Fawful? No...but we already got rid of him!
Luigi: OH NO!
Mario: Luigi!
Luigi: ?
Mario: (Italian gibberish)
Luigi: Oh yeah!
Mario: Oh yeah!
Starlow: What? We'll need some help from an old friend?
Mario and Luigi: Oh yeah!
Starlow: ...I'm picking up what you're laying down.
Luigi: (Italian gibberish)
Starlow: You know where to find the book?
Luigi: Oh yeah!
Starlow: Alright, then go get it!
Luigi: . . .
Starlow: ...what are you waiting for, Luigi? Go get the book!
Luigi: ...no.
Starlow: Why?
Luigi: Mario!
Starlow: Oh, come on, Luigi. You don't need Mario to hold your hand ALL the time.
Luigi: (sigh) Okay.
Starlow: You'll do it then?
Luigi: Oh yeah!
Starlow: Press B to control Luigi!
Luigi: Hmm... ! Oh yeah! (opens book)
(It spills out the Paper World)