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A Journey Home: Ch. 5 Younger Days

by Happy the Cat

Happy the Cat
It's hard to recall exactly when i first met Aya but I know i had been around six or seven at the time.

When i was younger i lived in lumiose city with my parents. For the longest time the house next to us had been empty until one day when i had come home from school to see a moving truck being unloaded and things being carried inside the house.

I wasn't sure what to think of my new neighbors atfirst i had no idea what they would be like. It wasn't until the next day when i was sitting at my desk at school when i that the girl i had seen briefly outside the house next door the day before was now standing at the classroom door.

She was small and petite with short black hair, blue eyes and pale skin. She had looked almost like a doll back then.

I though about maybe going over and introducing myself but once i saw the unsure and almost scared look on her face i knew there would be no maybe about it. So i walked over to where she was standing, smiled and introduced myself.

"I'm Kai, Kai Sukino, it's nice to meet you." I said with a grin.

"I-i'm Ayako, Ayako Suzami." The small girl said softly her voice shaking.

"I was about to ask her where she was from but was interrupted by the teacher starting the class.

"All right everyone please settle down and take your seats." Our teacher said waiting till we were all seated before continuing. "As you might have noticed we have a new student joining us today. Ayako would you like to introduce yourself?"

The small girl slowly walked up to stand in front of the class and the look on her face made it easy to see that she was absolutely petrified about being the center of attention.

"H-hello there." She said softly. "M-my name is Ayako Suzami. I-it's nice to meet you all."

"Ayako will be a part of our class from now on and I expect all of you to be welcoming. Is that clear?" Our teacher asked sternly.

"Yes m'am." The class chorused.

"Now then where shall we have you sit? Ah there's an empty seat next to Kai why don't you go ahead and sit next to him?"

The small girl obediently walked over and slipped into the seat next to me as the teacher began the lesson for the day.

"Hello again." I whispered. "You said your name was Ayako right?"

"You can call me Aya." The black haired girl said softly.

"Alright then it's nice to meet you Aya." I whispered holding out my hand and after a moments hesitation she took it and i saw her smile for the first time."

"It's nice to meet you too, Kai."