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A Journey Home: Ch.2 First Impressions

by Happy the Cat

Happy the Cat What will happen when an encounter with the legendary Pokemon Xerneas leads to a Pokemon ranger waking up as a pokemon?
"Hey you! You dead or something? Wake up!"

"What's going on? Why does my head hurt?" My thought were jumbled as i slowly opened my eyes and tried to focus on the speaker i had heard.

Just as my eyes were finally able to focus I got sent flying and landed on the ground hard.

"Hey! What was that for?!" I cried jumping to my feet to see....a Zoura? But where was the person i had heard speaking earlier?

"Good you're up it's about time." A voice huffed.

I looked around wildly trying to find the speaker but all i could see was the Zorua in front of my.

"Did you just.....talk?" I whispered looking at the Zorua with wide eyes.

"Well no duh." The Zorua said drily.

"B-but you're a Zoura! You're just a pokemon!"

The Zorua gave me a strange look."Hate to burst your bubble buddy but you're a Pokemon too."

"W-what?!" I cried. "B-but that's impossible I'm not a Pokemon i'm a human!"

"Well then if you're a human why do you look like an Eevee?" The Zorua asked drily.

"I don't look like an-" I looked down and instead of seeing my feet i saw the feet of an Eevee. "What the!" I whiped my head around and sure enough i was covered in fluffy brown fur and i had a tail.

"Oh pleaselet this all be a dream." I pleaded as i chomped on the end of "my" tail.


"Well now why'd you go and do that for?" The Zorua asked giving me yet another strange look. "You hit your head or something?"

"Okay so this definitely isn't a dream." I thought as i rubbed my now sore tail, not bothering to answer the Zoura's snarky question.

"I guess i better just play along for now." I decided before turning back to the Zorua. "I guess you're right i am an Eeve though i could've sworn i was a human when i woke up this morning.

The Zorua let out a small chukle and her posture relaxed a bit. "You have a name?"

"Kai" I answered, my real name.

"Hmm interesting. So what's your story?"


"How'd you end up here? Trainer not want you anymore? Most pokes that come through here with human names like that are either lost or abandoned so what's your story?"

"I don't really have a story." I said honestly, and I didn't at least not as a Pokemon.

"Hmmm. Is that so?" The Zorua squinting at me. "Interesting. Well what would you like to be called?"


"Do you wanna be called by that odd human name of your's or would you prefer Eevee?"

"Kai's fine." I said wondering where all these questions were leading up to.

"Well then Kai you have a place to stay?"

"Well i was planning on staying here in the forest." I answered confused about what the Zorua was asking.

"Well it's no fun to be alone you can come with me if you want."

"Where are you going?"

The Zorua got to her feet and when our eyes met i could see a spark of mischief in hers.

"You'll see but i promise it's worth it."

"Well it's not like i have any better options." I reasoned with myself before getting to my feet as well.

"Lead the way."
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