my region and everything that has to do with it!: Caspar ... (Ghost type gym leader oc)

by roanyael

roanyael Hello there, flawless people of this Caspar. So it has been a short while, but I'm already back again. This time bringing you my spin on a ghost type gym leader. The ghost type ended up winning the voting with exactly 50% of the votes. My thanks go to everyone who voted in the poll. Enjoy the Ghost type gym leader I made. And they go by the name of...




So I started to think what I could do for a Ghost type gym leader. This type does have quite a diverse and unique group of specialists already. Look at Morty, Fantina, Phoeby and Allister. All totally Just like the others I didn't mentioned. Theres a lot I can do with it. I thought about Ghost types in general, and then it hit me... They're ghosts. So the gym leader should be one as well. Genius right. But I wanted to take that idea further and a bit more. What type of ghost do people generally think of as creepy and scary. Exactly! Children! But I wanted to turn this around and mike them actually adorable. I did this by making sweet and soft facial expressions and permanently closed eyes were just cute to me to add to the design. I looked at the two Ghost type specialist that arte children; Acerola and Allister, to make sure I didn't pick the same concept. I then got hit with a victorian aesthetic and I was completely sold. I took certain elements from it untill it fit the character. I also put some purple elements in it to reflect the Ghost typing. As I started to thing of Pokemon two notable ones came to mind. Banette and Mimikyu. Bc they both resemble dolls. (I know Mimikyu isn't one but he looks like it). I eventually chose Mimikyu just bc it complements his character better. As for the name of the trainer... Casper was to obvious... So I named him Caspar. Still dumb but extremely cute.



This story is darker then usual
Mentions of bullying and death

Caspar was born on the 29th of April in the year 1876. In the city of Motostoke in the Galar region. The boy that never knew home. Money was tight for a lot of people in this time and the mother of Caspar didn't have the money to care for her child. So just like a lot of other people, she put her newborn on the doorstep of an orphanage and left him there with a note that just said "Caspar." And thus he really never had a last name. So hew as just Caspar from that point. Growing up in the orpan was hard back then. And he got bullied a lot by the other kids so he mostly locked himself up in the attic. He mostly just sait there staring out of the window. The streets he looked apon and looked at interest to the people. Thinking about what they are doing, where they are going and a lot of other things. But mostly looking at the Pokemon that roamed the streets. They intrigued him, children playing with pokemon and pther trainers walking alongside him. He was entirely focused on the pokemon. This was how he spend his time until the age of 5. In 1881, his negative outlook on life changed when he found sowing kit in the attic and lots of fabrics. They were there all the time but he was to busy with outher things to notice it. And it take that long till he learned himself how to sow at the age of 5. Mostly he made dolls of pokemon he saw on the street and played with them a lot but he kept them upstairs and didn't show them to the other kids of the orphanage, because he'd know he'd get bullied for them as well.

The year is 1882 and Caspar is 6 years old. He has made a few good dolls by now which were always hidden in a box in the attic. As he watched over the streets he got cought by a yellow flash. A fast small pokemon ran by. He was immediately intrigued by it. Hhe didn't get a good look at it but as the pokemon stopped running he could see it's full glory. It was a Pikachu. He didn't have to look long at it to start making a doll of it. All tho the vibrant colors of the pokemon were not to found among the fabrics at his disposal. Yet he still made one with dulled down colors. He was so immensely proud of it that Pikachu soon became his favorite pokemon. He wanted to take the doll downstairs so he did. As he showed it off the bullying got worse and all the faculty took all the fabrics from the attic. That fabric wasn't for making stupid dolls. It was for clothes and nothing more. The doll he could keep but that was it. He put emotional attachment to and never left somewhere without it. A few years past and nothing really changed in his situation. The bullying actually got worse then it was before. The only calm place he had was the attic and the doll became something that he still treasured. The year was now 1886 and he was 10 years old. Pokemon trainers weren't really a thing yet. So this wasn't the time he went on a journey. He was in the attic one day hand found a box that was never there before. It was probably put there by the faculty. As he opened it he found a lot of maps of the galar region and of other regions alike. This is when he began thinking about an escape from the orphanage. He would go somewhere where he wouldn't be bullied. A place where people did care about him. He set up an incredible escape plan. But this got him nowhere. He was always found and returned to the orphanage. So he gave up on it eventually. Until December of 1887, One day he got so beat up that he stole the first aid kit and ran off. Away from this horrible house. The Pikachu doll still with him. This was the time he would actually run off.

Even thou the snow was thick at this time of year, he ran off without any jacket. He only had his Pikachu doll, a little bit of food and a small blanket with him. After he had bandaged himself up he ran off. He had had enough and ran through the streets of Motostoke. Until he exited town. He ran and ran. He ended up in one of the mines of Galar. In this dayand age it wasn't really developed not a lot of people came there and you could get lost easy. But it was a great place to spend the night. Away from the snow. And with a blanket he fell asleep. The next day he woke up and continued his journey. He had remembered a map of Galar and knew that there was a harbor at Hulbury to the east of Motostoke. That was where was heading. When he arrived at Hulbury he sneaked on the first ship he saw not know where he was heading. He hid in between the cargo and ate his lat bit of food as he fell asleep. He woke up the sound of a lound honk. The ship had arived at it's destination, Madina city in the Hudson region. He snuck out of the ship and saw a huge sign that said. "Welcom to the Hudson region" Madina City is a huge cost settlement. The snow was still here as well. And it was incredibly cold here. He wrapped the blanket around him and started walking. He was tired and even though it was late at night and he was tired he kept walking. Untill he couldn't anymore. He huddled himself into a ball at the corner of the street. And put the blanket over his body he looked at the inside of his hat the only thing he had left of his mother. The note with his name amd date of birth on it, he had sown it into his hat. He grabbed the Pikachu doll and fell asleep.

He woke up in field of grass, he felt a spring breeze against him and slowly stood up. He looked behind him and saw a ston with his name and two dates on it. Was he... No he couldn't believe that. He was surrounded my more stones and lots of floating pokemon he had never seen before. Ghost pokemon. The year was 1916. But he didn't know that. He lived there amongst the Ghost pokemon which he befriended. And they always played together. They slept together. He had finally found a place he felt like he belonged. But one day the year 1942 he met a ghost pokemon that was scared of everything and didn't wanr to be seen. mostly because it was a scary pokemon. It wasn't a pokemon he recognized but he wasn't scared of it. He noticed the pokemon gaze at his doll as he tried to hide under everything. So with no hesitation Caspar ripped up the doll and gave it to the pokemon as a cloak. This pokemon was Mimikyu. And from that moment on they were fast frends. Since Caspar could make himself visible and invisible at will many people who came to the graveyard started seeing him. And he became a familiar face for everyone who has a loved one there. Since he already lives there since 1916. Although he never really liked interacting with humans. And was more drawn to his Ghost pokemon friends. As to how he got his position as a gym leader that is a total mystery. Some say the previous ghost type gym leader gave it up to him when they met. Others say he just took the position after to many people thought he was the gym leader which would be the most obvious reason. Since he is really good with Ghost types and had more then 100 years to practice. All that is known about his gym leader position is that he is a Ghost type leader and is able to put up an amazing fight.



I will give him and every gym leader in the future a team of 6 which they can change up depending on how strong the opponent is. But here I mostly show up what their strongest and optimal team is. So here it is




Right now it’s the year 2021, and Caspar is officially 145 years old. But he still lookes and acts like the 11 year old he once was. His gift to communicate with ghost types, anf understand them has brought him far in his career as a gym leader. He absolutely loves being one even tho he may not be as formidable of a foe as Elizabeth, Fayola, Miss-Tyria or Cyan. His passion for the Ghost type and for his pokemon makes him win quite a lot of battles. His gym is still an outdoor gym situated right next to the graveyard. Since all his ghost pokemon friends want to watch his battles. He also likes to steal fries from McDonald's often. But nobody blames him.

T.C., XxZizzyxX, magical.boy and 3 others like this.
  1. roanyael
    Feb 13, 2021
    Zizzy the Zebra likes this.
  2. XxZizzyxX
    Ist so cool!!! :0
    Feb 13, 2021
    roanyael likes this.
  3. roanyael
    Feb 8, 2021
  4. Professor Pikachu PhD.
    Professor Pikachu PhD.
    He's so freaking cute! Argh, I just wanna take him out to Mcdonalds and get him a mcflurry!:love::love:
    Feb 6, 2021
    roanyael likes this.
  5. roanyael
    Feb 2, 2021
    Willow Tree likes this.
  6. roanyael
    @Willow Tree I just really like this aesthetic as well. Also he's absolutely baby!!!!!
    Feb 2, 2021
    Willow Tree likes this.
  7. Litendermen
    i like this art work
    Feb 2, 2021
    roanyael, XxZizzyxX and Willow Tree like this.
  8. Willow Tree
    Willow Tree
    The moment I saw him, I loved him---
    Suspender? Hat? Shorts? Bandaged ghost but still babey? A mimikyu???? Yo sign me up I adore him as my own >_>
    Thank you for creating him, I shall now wave lightsticks and cheer for your next babey.
    Feb 1, 2021
    roanyael and Litendermen like this.