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Carsaniol Region

by Luxrays rays

Luxrays rays This is a fan-made region and i thought that uploading this here would be fun so that's what i'm doing. Please go read some other stories of these types. Some pokemon in this Chapter stories will be made by me and the others are owned by Game freak Nintendo and all rights go to them for the pokemon. This series is going to be long so... i will update it every other day or something( depends how lazy or productive i am) On some parts of the chapters i might ask for a opinion or a part of the story. Enough talk from me enjoy. :)
"You are now the newest champion. Don't loose it like I did By-"
"Ahh" yelled Byron as he fell out of bed.
He sighed heavily as he knew it was a very lively dream. He looked around his room. A tv was on a counter across the room. A poster was hanging on the wall. It showed 3 silhouettes of 3 pokemon. One of them had wings the other a large cannon on its back and a flower on the last one. on a table next to his bed was a clock. 10:00 o'clock.
"Oh. Well at least i still have 30 minutes left. Might as well start with a shower."
After his steam shower he went to his dresser. He found a shirt which had a leaf logo on it. Then he grabbed a pair of pants. He grabbed a cap as he exited his room. Down the stairs was his brother. His brother noticed him.
"Hurry your food is waiting for you to eat." He ordered
"Okay." Byron said
Down into the kitchen He saw a plate full of food. It had a stack of pancakes covered in maple syrup with the casual block of butter.
"Great dads pancakes are great!" Byron thought.
After 10 minutes all his pancakes and cup of juice were gone. That's when he realised that his dad was not at the table.
"Where is dad?" He asked
"He went to work." His brother replied. "Now hurry the professer called and asked for you to come at 10:30"
Byron took a look at the clock. 10:26.
"You better hurry."
Byron ran towards the door and made sure to grab a bag and a red w/ white stripes on it.
Running past many houses he decided to go to his friends house. He knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again. No answer.
" Malkite must have already gone to the lab." Byron thought.
He continued his running untill he got to a white building. The windows were tinted the door was rusted and the path to the front door was made of shiny cobblestone. He walked up to the door and a lady answered the door. She seemed a little old but was very cheery. She wore a lab coat with a printed patch on it. It was of a pokeball with a red cross just above the button to open the pokeball.
"Oh, You must be Byron." She said "My name is Prf. Jansie Maple. And your here for your pokemon. Right?"
"uhh Yes." Byron said confidently
"Well hurry in and go upstairs and my son will help you with the starter you will choose."
"Ok thank you."
Byron walked upstairs where he found his friend Malkite and a man. He walked up to them. In front of him layed 3 pokeballs. They had a weird coloring to them. One was green, the other orange, an the last one blue.
"Why hello." Said the man." I am Prf Roberto Maple. Your Byron right? Right. Here are 3 pokemon. As you know pokemon are animals we share our lives with and i was told to give you one of these pokemon. Now the pokemon inside these pokeballs are pretty rare and very hard to encounter. Let me show you them."
Prf. Maple grabbed one of the pokeballs which was colored green. He threw it in front of them and it opened. A bright light shined and there stood a pokemon. It was green with a red belly. it's eyes were large and it looked some sort of gecko.
"This here." Said Prf. Maple "Is a Treeko this is the wood gecko pokemon. It is grass type and is very friendly." He grabbed the pokeball with the orange top and threw it. It opened and revealed a small critter. It was colored with a tan belly and a blue back. It looked like holes were poked into it. Its eyes were closed and it looked peaceful. Suddenly fire appeared out of the holes on its back.
"This small volcano is a Cyndaquil. It is small but powerful it is a fire type."
Finnaly he did the same to the last pokeball. The blue pokeball held a small blue mammal. It had a white small head with tiny freckles on it. It looked like it held a coat around it. on its belly was a small shell. It had a small flat tail to go with its otter appearence.
"And this is a Oshawatt. The sea otter pokemon. It is really playful. It is water type."
And with that it was a decision to choose what. Byron looked at each one. They were each cool and cute looking.
(Writers Note:Help i don't know what pokemon Byron should get.)
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