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ABINSB: Captain Phasma VS Ramona Flowers (Star Wars VS Scott Pilgrim)

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 Let me speak before I make the battle.
So as you all know, I've been getting kind of lazy with Assaults.
And that's because I have the same issue as @Mewtwofan259.
I feel like a machine, printing out work with no fun in it.
And as much as I hate doing it, I want to make making Assaults fun.
So from now on, I'm giving myself a little more freedom.
I'm no longer scheduling battles, nor am I taking up school time to do research.
That's not saying I WON'T do research...
but I'm going to work a little...LESS hard.
I hope you all understand.
Also, ABINSB stands for "Assault, But I'm Not Scheduling Battles"

Captain Phasma's squadron marched through Starkiller Base. Then she stood right beside a transport as First Order Stormtroopers marched in, two by two in an orderly fashion. "Huh. You look organized," said a voice. Captain Phasma turned around. "I don't really appreciate little girls infiltrating base," replied Captain Phasma. "If I'm what you call a little girl, then you're one too," Ramona's hammer appeared in her hand and Phasma took her blaster off her back.
This outta be a match to remember!
Captain Phasma opened fire.
(Dark Lord - Super Smash Bros. 4)
Ramona ran across to dodge the bullets. But then Phasma's blaster overheated. "Dammit..." she groaned as she tried to time her reload perfectly. But by the time she did, it was too late, Ramona knocked the blaster out of her hands and started super-duper-Killer-Instinct-comboing her. And that knocked her into a ship. Ramona followed and prepared to finish her off. But Phasma pulled out her vibroblade and the two started to duel. Eventually, Ramona overpowered her and knocked her into a wall. That made the ship's engine fail, as it crash-landed on Takodana, and Phasma and Ramona jumped out at just the right time, and got on the ground unharmed. Phasma grabbed her vibroblade and Ramona's hammer appeared again. The two continued dueling on and on, as transports and First Order TIE Fighters battled Resistance X-Wings above. The temple behind them slowly fell apart. The fight was taken into the falling temple, where smugglers and bounty hunters alike were fleeing from the collapsing temple. Ramona hit up a table and whacked it toward Phasma. Phasma simply held her vibroblade in the center of her body, and it broke right through. Phasma ran up to Ramona and bitchslapped her hammer out of her hands, then went in for the kill, but Ramond got it back and deflected the hit. As a counterattack, Ramona whacked Phasma out of the temple again, but she quickly got up and grabbed her vibroblade again. Then Ramona dove into her purse.

"I don't like this place. Too bright," Captain Phasma pulled another blaster off her back. "I wouldn't complain," said a voice. Phasma turned around and saw Ramona. Phasma loaded her gun and opened fire. "If you know what's best for you, you'd hand over that purse," Phasma said while shooting. "I'm not one of your stupid slaves," said Ramona. "Fine. I'll just have to take it from you." Phasma started acting a little smarter now, predicting her every move so she couldn't escape her blasts. Finally, Ramona was caught, and her purse fell off her shoulder. "Crap!" she said as shje dived for it, but Phasma already had her hands on it. She held up her gun to it and shot it.

Captain Phasma and Ramona were taken out of their world. "Now, it's time to finish you off," said Phasma. She quickly drew her vibroblade and smacked Ramona into a wall of the temple, which made it crack a little. Then Phasma ran up and stabbed her...right in the stomach. Ramona's eyes widened when it happened at first, but then she slowly closed her eyes as she fell to the floor and Phasma sheathed her vibroblade again.

Captain Phasma!

Freeze Tag because Wynaut:
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