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Burst Warriors - Karp Prologue

by Fishykarp

Fishykarp The first chapter of a joint project between myself, @Lunar Emperor, @Cloudswift, @Ry_Burst (ironically), and @AstralDarkrai37
“Come in, come in,” Boomed the hearty voice of the bartender, “it's been a while since you last came here.”
The old Burst Warrior smiled politely, and sat down, exhausted. Noticing the bartender’s curious looks, he sighed.
“Burst Warriors are disappearing left and right, no body or crystal found,” he explained, “I've been trying to figure out what's happening but it seems more disappear every day. Even your bar, known for being a meeting point for Burst Warriors, has been seeing less these days.”
The Bartender laughed, a different laugh to the one he had greeted the old Burst Warrior with, it was darker, more sinister. “So, the old man is catching on…” he growled, “time to deal with this.”
The Old Warrior’s head shot up, to see the bartender flip a Burst crystal in his hand, and explode into light.

The wall of the building collapse as the old warrior was sent flying through. He coughed as he dusted himself off, and looked up to see the Bartender, now combined with an Ursarang. Next to him we're two other Burst warriors, a Carracosta and a Golem.
“Karp, old friend, I’m sorry it has to end this way,” the Ursarang said in a tone Karp almost mistakened for sincere.
Karp nodded, “me too.”

The Ursarang leapt forwards, sending a powerful punch that Karp sidestepped. Karp sent three light punches into the Ursarang’s side, and flipped backwards, Burst Crystal in hand. The three Burst warriors charged at Karp, and leapt on him. A massive blast of light appeared from under the pile and the three Burst warriors were launched bacowards. Karp is stood up, wearing golden ceremonial robes. He readied himself, and he charged.

The Ursarang charged and Karp redirected his attack, twisting around him. The Carracosta punched and Karp blocked it, leaping on his back and using him as a platform to jump up and spin, kicking the Golem in the face, causing him to stumble back

The Ursarang slammed into Karp, sending him flying backwards. The Golem curled into a ball and began rolling towards Karp, launching him farther, finally, the Carracosta retreated into its own shell and span, shooting towards Karp. But Karp was ready, his hands glowed gold, and he slammed into the Carracosta with his open palm, sending a burst of golden energy that sent the Carracosta flying into the Golem, both of them ending up in a heap on the floor.
The Ursarang roared and charged forwards, swiping and missing. Karp twisted behind in and, with one more movement of his hand, sent the Ursarang flying.

Karp looked around incredulously, these people were some of his oldest friends and yet they had not only attacked him, but tried to kill him. He heard a laugh, and turned to see the Bartender, back in his human forme, blood pouring down his chest, laughing.
“You have no idea what you're up against, Karp!” The Bartender called out, “the people who I work for now, are more powerful than you could ever imagine! If you think you can defeat them alone, you must be even dumber than I-”
And then, the Bartender fell backwards, dead.

Karp shook his head as he walked away, he sighed. The Bartender was right, if somebody managed to turn his closest friend against him, he was probably extremely powerful. He needed people he could trust, people who wouldn't betray him.

He needed a team
  1. Shiny Blue Gardevoir
    Shiny Blue Gardevoir
    Can't wait to get started on this!
    Jul 13, 2017
  2. Ry_Burst
    Jul 3, 2017
    Mr Fishykarp likes this.
  3. Cloudswift
    Yeet! :D
    Jul 2, 2017
    Mr Fishykarp likes this.