Pokemon: Beyond KANTO-- Secret of the Diamond Onix: Brock can "get the girl" for once?

by diamondonix718

diamondonix718 Okay, so one of my premises behind "Secret of the Diamond Onix" was "What if Brock got the girl for once?" Poor Brock has had little to no luck finding romance, so I decided to help him out, if you will.
Unsuspecting Annie doesn't know where this chance encounter with the fan-favorite character will lead, but she does know she has a bit of a crush on him...
(Read the story! https://pokecharms.com/series/pokemon-beyond-kanto-secret-of-the-diamond-onix.6326/ )
  1. Melody~Chan
    @diamondonix718 , isn't Olivia a bit too old for Brock? Also no I don't believe I have seen that episode.
    May 14, 2019
  2. diamondonix718
    @Melody~Chan Have you seen the Pokemon Sun and Moon anime episode "Heart of Fire! Heart of Stone!" where Brock goes to Alola and meets Olivia? Everyone is saying they're going to end up together.
    May 14, 2019
  3. Melody~Chan
    You know the moments when Brock didn't get the girl are so funny but one day there should be a Pokémon series that occurs 10 years into the future and Brock actually gets a girl! That would be awesome, don't you think @diamondonix718 ?
    May 3, 2019