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Bowser vs. King Dedede

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 It's not an Assault. It's not a Death Battle. Just chillin'.
Bowser Vs. King Dedede

Goomba: L-Lord Bowser! It's terrible!
Bowser: What is it! Spill the beans!
Goomba: Th-there's an invasion, boss!
Bowser: HWTA?!
Goomba: There's unknown orange circles everywhere!
Bowser: Send out the Koopa Troop!
Goomba: Yes sir!

Dedede: Hahaha! I'll be taking this land for myself, thank you very much!
Bowser: Not so fast, fatso! Minions! ATTACK!
Dedede: Fight harder! Bwahaha!
(Waddle Dees and Goombas continuously ram into each other)
(Choombas, Chuloombas and Jailgoons walk out of the castle)
Private Goomp: These guys won't go down so easily! Sergeant! Gimme the cannon!
Sergeant Guy: Right here!
Corporal Paraplonk: Prepare for launch! (sets rope on fire)
(the cannon launches a huge Banzai Bill)
Sergeant Guy: Tactical nuke, INCOMING!
(it kills mostly Waddle Dees but some Goombas)
Bowser: No, you idiots!
(The Jailgoons shoot their cannons and the Choombas charge)
(Waddle Doos and Parasol Waddle Dees move forth)
(The Waddle Doos take out some Choombas)
Dedede: Hahaha! Looks like my army wins! Better give up now, or face my wrath!
Bowser: My turn now! Koopalings, GO!
Iggy: Bahahaha!
Roy: Let's finish this! (shoots bullet bill blaster)
Larry: This'll be fun! (shoots fire tennis balls)
Wendy: Woo-hoo! (ice skates across the battlefield and launches rings)
Ludwig: Oh. (shoots wand and multiplies himself)
Kamek: You all better do well! (uses magic enrichment)
Morton: You hurt Morton? YOU DIE!
Dedede: GRRRRR!
Bandana Dee: Stressed out yet?
Dedede: BANDANA DEE! You gotta help me, man!
Bandana Dee: In your favor, you can stop talking. Don't wanna embarrass yourself.
Dedede: Yes!
Escargoon: What's that guy's deal?
(Bandana Dee takes out 5 of the koopalings)
Lemmy: *gasp* Oh no! I need power! (turns into shell)
Larry: Let's take 'em out! (also turns to shell)
(they both take out Bandana Dee)
Dedede: No!
Bowser: Gwahaha! Feel the wrath of my next captains!
Captain Goomba: Finally! Some time in a REAL battle!
King Boo: Don't push your luck, little Goomba.
Captain Goomba: NO ONE calls me LITTLE! Goomba Squad! MOOOOVE OUT!
Bowser: Getting overwhelmed yet?
Pom Pom: :'|
Dedede: Mini-bosses, move out!
Colossal Waddle Dee: >:(
King Doo: (flips hair)
Boom Boom: RAAAA! (rams into Colossal Waddle Dee and they have a big fight)
(A mere Goomba manages to escape)
Goomba: Phew...I think I lost them...
Whispy Woods: (blows away) >:o
Goomba: Cap! Let's take 'em!
Captain Goomba: CHAAARGE!
(Goomba Squad rams into Whispy Woods)
(they defeat him)
Wario: You're saying you'll pay us?
Waluigi: Yeah!
Bowser: Yeah, yeah, just go take them out.
(Wario and Waluigi take out their tennis rackets)
Wario and Waluigi: WAAAAAAAA! (run out)
(they're both killed by King Doo)
King Doo: (flips hair)
(every normal Waddle Dee and Goomba are taken out)
Dedede: Pleeease?
Magolor: Fine. But you'll have to hand over the goods.
Dedede: (hands over the Master Crown)
Magolor: Yesss! (changes form)
(Magolor enters battle and kills the remaining koopalings and a massacre of Goombas)
Bowser: Time to counter darkness with darkness! (pulls out Dark Star and inhales it)
(The Dark Star takes form of Dark Bowser)
Dark Bowser: I am freed!
(Magolor and Dark Bowser have a fight)
(the sun in clouded and a thunderstorm starts)
(King Doo is killed by the Jailgoons)
(The Jailgoons are killed by the Colossal Waddle Dee)
(The Colossal Waddle Dee is killed by Boom Boom and Pom Pom)
(The Goombas Squad is killed by Magolor)
Bowser: I've got a baaad feeling about this...
Bowser Jr.: Don't worry dad! I've got a-- (dies)
Bowser: 0_0
Bandana Dee: Ha! I'm still ali- (dies)
Dedede: 0_o
Bowser and Dedede: Yep! Big mistake!
Dark Bowser: RAWWWWR!
Magolor: (spawns shield)
Dark Bowser: (spawns dark minions)
(Magolor charges up a beam)
(Dark Bowser charges up a punch)
(they collide and the world ends)
(Booka floats along at the ruins of both sides)
Booka: Uh...Fallout?
  1. Mechanist Gamma
    Mechanist Gamma
    Waddle Dee and Wario can kick plenty more ass than that.
    Oct 15, 2017