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Boss Analysis #1

by DopeLeafeon470

Some people say Nintendo is for babies.
In some points of view, I would agree with them.
In most points of view, I wouldn't agree with them.
A lot of bosses in Nintendo games aren't child-friendly.
In this episode, we'll be taking a look at my favorite Nintendo bosses.
Oh, and one more thing, this is my opinion. Don't go in the comment section to tell me I'm wrong, because no opinion is wrong. Ask MatPat.

Alright, let's get the Kirby game out of the way.
The first example of a dark concept in a Kirby game was all the way back in Kirby's Dream Land 3, when Zero brutally murders his own son and takes over for the second phase of the boss.
You can only hit him in the eye to deal damage, and he'll shoot blood tears and tiny little Dark Matters at you.
And of course, he has his infamous final attack, where his eye comes out of his socket and chases you.
Doesn't shoot beams, doesn't float around in a limited area, he wants your head, so now he's chasing you.
But even then, the battle is more of a last resort than an actual fight.
The same goes for Magolor Soul.
Could it be Marx Soul from Kirby Super Star Ultra, the destroyer of ears?
Well, to be honest, it's just a harder version of Marx.
Now the only option at this point is Zero-Two from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards.
But, like in Dream Land 3, he stays long in front of you and shoots blood tears at you.
You hit him in the eye, you hit him in the halo, you hit him in the nuts, game over for him.
The one I would put here is Heart of Star Dream from Kirby Planet Robobot, because it does put up a fight and manage to be disturbing at the same time, but there is one fight that trumps them all.
Hyness from Kirby Star Allies, for the Nintendo Switch.
THIS GUY, has stopped by Soul Melter run, too many times to count.
Either he's really hard, or I suck at the game.
I probably just suck at the game.
You're first introduced to the character after you beat Zan Partizanne for the second time. He notices you, and bitchslaps--BITCHSLAPS--her out of the way.
The fight starts off with ominous and creepy music playing, while he shoots shadow balls at you.
These attacks can be repelled by technically anything, attack or inhale.
He will also make little volcanic eruptions with the center being the only safe spot. You'll get some free hits when he does that.
Next he'll summon lightning from the sky. This attack is also easy to avoid, because all you have to do is fly up and stay up there until the attack is over as long as you're not in the center.
I literally couldn't find anything else, so once you defeat him, you'll knock his mask off, and reveal his alien-like face.
After that, he'll summon the three Jambastion Mages, suck their will out of their bodies, and use their corpses as weapons.
I WISH I could say that calmly.
This is where the real fight begins.
He'll throw the corpses at you, causing little crystals that can be inhaled to the left and right of where they're at to appear.
As long as you avoid the corpses, Hyness should be an easy target.
But once you get him to half-health, he'll turn into a "Friend" Circle with the mages.
Yeah, it's kind of pulling a Magolor, but at least it's something different.
Whether Hyness will go on top of the screen or below the screen is almost impossible to guess, you can only judge by how long he charges up before he rolls.
That's. It.
He'll also make an impenetrable wall made out of the mages, only coming up temporarily to shoot shadow balls at you.
But keep this in mind:
You can't hurt the mages right now.
You'd be beating a dead horse.
Which means the only way to damage the boss is damaging Hyness.
Good luck with that in his Friend Circle and Friend Fortress phase.
When he's done with the Friend Circle attack, though, he'll be left open to attack, so you and your buddies can go crazy.
After the fight ends, Hyness realizes he ran out of Jamba Hearts to re-summon Void Termina, so he straight-up sacrifices the mages AND himself.
But strangely, they come back to life inside of Void Termina...?
Yeah, it's weird.
But I guess I shouldn't question a Kirby game.

I guess I should get the dark games out of the way first.
Next is Metroid.
There's Meta Ridley, Kraid, Nightmare, SA-X...
In my opinion, the darkest Metroid boss HAS to be Mother Brain from Super Metroid.
Is it a cutscene? Yes.
Does that make it any less dark? No.
Ever since the first Metroid, fans have wondered if Mother Brain was just a brain, or a creature captured in glass.
Well, fans got that answer quite early in the series with Super Metroid for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
The fight starts off simple, with Mother Brain with its eye closed inside of a tank, shooting small razor circles at you, which are incredibly obnoxious to dodge.
...and that's it. That's all the attacks she does. I think it's a she?
Anyway, after you break the glass and attack her, you'll eventually defeat her as the room collapses and Mother Brain's head falls to the ground. You may think this is an easy victory, but Nintendo thinks not.
She gets back up in a T-Rex-esque beast, and so begins the second phase of the fight.
She'll shoot various different elements at you, such as fire and poison. And that's all I can remember.
However, it makes sense, since you can't damage her in this phase.
After a while of trying, Mother Brain effortlessly fires a laser brain attack at you, which is capable of abolishing two whole squares of your health. After enough laser brain attacks, you will die.
End of story.
Just when Mother Brain is about to finish you off, the Baby Metroid Samus raised from all the way at the beginning of the game jumps in at light speed to save the day.
After successfully sucking Mother Brain's body fluids, Metroid revives Samus with the power it got from sucking up Mother Brain.
I guess? I mean, it makes sense to me. After all, we only know a little about Metroids.
Anyway, Mother Brain comes back, a little darker than usual, and shoots fire projectiles at Metroid.
And then the Metroid dies.
If I know anything about video games, you can't piss me off unless it's animal cruelty.
This is animal cruelty. And I'm pissed off.
Thankfully, the Metroid gave Samus invincibility, which means...
Now, all of your attacks will knock her head back a lot. Do it enough times, and she'll finally go down.
Oh, did I mention the music?
I swear, it came straight out of It.
And you know what? It probably did.

...alright. Let's calculate this crap.
The Metroid that Samus raised came into the scene pretty darn fast.
The fastest animal alive is the Peregrine Falcon, able to move at 200 miles per hour.
That's almost half the speed of a jet.
Assuming that Metroid is going the speed of 1 jet, that means that Metroid was moving at 245.85 meters per second, or 550 miles per hour.
If that Metroid wasn't going the speed of a jet, I don't know what is.
That's pretty darn fast.

Up next is Fire Emblem.
Would you call Fire Emblem an anime game?
I wouldn't.
There are a lot of things that makes Fire Emblem not an anime.
But I mean, there are confessions and crap, so...
ANYWAY! There are a lot of canidates.
Could it be Grima from Fire Emblem Awakening, for its atmosphere and lore?
Could it be any of the cliche dragon final bosses from the first few games?
Could it be King Garon from Fire Emblem Conquest for how ugly he looks and his dreaded transformation?
But speaking of Fire Emblem Conquest, the final boss will take my analysis.
I am of course talking about Takumi.
Just when you defeat King Garon and think you can go home free, a shadow arrow brushes past you and your friends' heads.
Turns out, that arrow actually came from Takumi...who looks a little different now.
Not only looks, but behaves.
He keeps saying things like "destroy" and "kill".
Does anyone know why Takumi ended up like this? No.
However, this is an incredibly difficult boss fight.
It's a long hallway. You're on one side, and Takumi is on the other.
Along the way are shadow warriors, which will constantly respawn once you beat them.
Luckily, you have a ton of units, so one or two can go back and beat them so that they won't be a nuisance.
After a long walk of stress and praying for crits, you'll get to Takumi.
But in front of Takumi is a powerful mage, who can't move but has a big hitbox.
Defeat the mage, get to Takumi.
And guess what? He multiplied!
There's two of them, paired up into one.
And he has a really stupid ability that lets one Takumi block for the other.
Get through that BS, and you'll finally beat Takumi.
It's just so weird, seeing your brother by blood who's usually a laid-back type of character suddenly want your head.
Especially seeing how Corrin goes to heaven or whatever and meets his dead brothers and sisters, telling him to kill Takumi. Even Takumi himself knows what's going on.
He says the two parts of him are the vessel and the soul. The one that's hostile is the vessel, and the sane one is the soul.
Sadly, this means if you destroy the vessel, Takumi won't come back.
But who said you had a choice?
Whether you're close to him or not, he'll constantly charge up arrow attacks on the overworld, and you need to use Dragon Veins to bring up rocks to block the attacks.
Get past those, you'll get to Takumi.
Overall, what makes this fight hard is the reinforcements respawn every 5 seconds and Takumi's charged arrow attack.
...but it's really sad to see someone who supported you the most in Hoshido suddenly want to kill you.
Well, at least it's not animal cruelty.

Up next on the dark bosses in The Legend of Zelda.
And, come on, you all know who it is.
It's Deadhand from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
This fight is simple but incredibly disturbing.
As the name implies, he has a bunch of hands.
Or really, he has four, spread through the four corners of the room.
Attack one of them, and Deadhand will pop up in front of you, free for you to hit him.
Rinse and repeat.
Deadhand is covered in blood stains, has a melted body, and the hands you have to hit are squirming, almost like the ones you see in It!
I referenced that twice now...
Jokes aside, this is the equivalent of watching a 5-year-old play Fortnite, play horribly, and get trillions of views.
It's disgusting.
Luckily or unluckily, they remade Ocarina of Time on the 3DS and censored him, having only a melted body with no blood stains.
It's still creepy to watch nonetheless.

Finally on the dark ones, we have Mario!
Could it be Elder Princess Shroob from Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time for its dreadful music and horrifying looks?
Could it be Baby Bowser from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island for its intense music and hurry to introduce a new game mechanic?
This one's also kind of obvious, but it's Super Dimentio from Super Paper Mario.
At the beginning of the game, Count Bleck and Natacia force Bowser and Peach to marry and create the Chaos Heart.
At the near midpoint of the game, you're introduced to Dimentio, the Mario world equivalent to Marx.
He's a charming jester with shady ideals.
He's entertaining to fight, talk to, and research.
Just as you get to the final chapter in the game and enter Castle Bleck, Dimentio shows up and tells you he wants to rebel against Count Bleck.
As much as I wanted to do this, he puts brainwashing saplings on Mario and Luigi and becomes their slaves.
Game Over.
Refuse, however, you get to continue.
The four heroes sacrifice themselves to challenge Count Bleck's minions, until it's just Mario and Count Bleck.
Bowser challenges...uh...macho guy...
Peach challenges Mimi.
And Luigi challenges Dimentio.
By the time Mario defeats Count Bleck, the party shows up, as well as Dimentio.
Dimentio reveals he HAS been planning to rebel against Count Bleck, but in the wrong way.
He murders Natacia, traps Count Bleck, macho dood, and Mimi in an enclosed space, and worst of all, the real battle begins.
He combines the Chaos Heart and Luigi to create a giant monstrocity, that only says "GREEEEEN!"
By now, you've probably figured out why Dimentio wanted to take Luigi.
Because he knows.
This fight pulls an extreme Kraid, with Super Dimentio being huge and you need to jump onto multiple platforms, jump on his head, and get a good hit.
It doesn't take all that many hits, jump on its head a few times and he'll go down.
However, his lower body shoots projectiles and he constantly jumps from place to place.
But what makes this fight really cool is that LUIGI is literally the final boss.
In Paper Mario, Bowser was the final boss.
In Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Peach was the final boss.
In Super Paper Mario, Luigi was the final boss.
So does that mean--okay Sticker Star's final boss is Bowser.
But maybe--okay Color Splash's final boss is Bowser.
Noticing something's getting a LIIIIITTLE repetitive here...

Alright, let's venture into those less likely to get dark.
First up we have Pokemon.
Coult it be Ghetsis from Pokemon Black and White for its climacticness and difficulty?
...actually that's all the ones I can think of.
It would've been Ghetsis...if Generation 7 hadn't shown up.
Pokemon Sun and Moon was the first Pokemon game to change things up.
For the past 25 years or so, Pokemon has always been beat the gym leaders, beat the evil team, beat the elite four, beat the champion, watch the credits.
But Sun and Moon were a little different.
The legendary trio was replaced by Island Guardians, and Gym Leaders were replaced with Island Kahunas.
It was a pretty cool experience.
By the end of the game, you'll infiltrate the Aether Paradise and battle Guzma.
Once you get inside, you'll battle the leader of the Aether Foundation, Lusamine.
She was shady the second you were introduced to her, as she looks really young and she was actually in her mid-40s.
The first Pokemon you'll come face-to-face with is her Level 41 Clefable, who has the ability Magic Guard and the moves Cosmic Power, Metronome, and Moonblast.
She should be easy unless you have Dragon-Types.
Next is her Level 41 Lilligant, with the ability Own Tempo and the moves Petal Dance, Teeter Dance, and Stun Spore.
She should be ridiculously easy if you have an Oricorio.
Third is her...wait, every Pokemon on her team is Level 41? Anyway, next is her Mismagius with the ability Levitate and the moves Mystical Fire, Shadow Ball, and Power Gem.
Mismagius have always been known for a diverse moveset, so even if you didn't know this, always face a Mismagius with with a tanky Pokemon like Snorlax or Muk.
Fourth is her Milotic, with the ability Marvel Scale and the moves Hydro Pump, Flail, and Safeguard.
Milotic has a pretty weak moveset, so you should get through easily.
FInally is her Bewear, with the ability Fluffy and the moves Baby-Doll Eyes, Take Down, and Hammer Arm.
Like Mismagius, you should always go in with a tanky Pokemon, except this time you can't because Snorlax is Normal-Type and Bewear is part Fighting-Type.
It should be a breeze if you have the right Pokemon.
However, in the finale of the game, you travel through Ultra Space and get to an extremely creepy place.
Lillie gets scared, Nebby has to stay behind, and Guzma tells us the now legendary quote: "Y'all are stupid!"
It's only a matter of time before we actually saw Lusamine, Lillie and Gladion's mother.
She says one of the most heartbreaking things you could say to your daughter, and blames you for messing her up.
It's at this point you know Game Freak is intentionally making her an unfair character.
In order to take you down, she fuses with a Nihilego, and turns into an extremely ugly monstrosity.
Well...not ugly, more like...evil.
Since she fused with a Pokemon, she'll use her own Pokemon to fight you.
And guess what? THEY'RE ALL TOTEMS!
Don't worry though, it only adds one point to one of their stats.
In the refight, a few things change.
All of her Pokemon rise 9 levels to Level 50.
Clefable gets the Moonlight move and her Special Defense is raised.
Lilligant gets the Leech Seed move and her Special Attack is raised.
Mismagius gets the Pain Split move and her Speed gets raised.
Milotic gets the Recover move and her Attack gets raised.
And Bewear gets the Pain Split move and her Defense gets raised.
First of all, as you can see, Mismagius and Bewear are made more obnoxious.
That is all.
At this point, Lusamine has gotten to the point where she has lost it.
Holy crap.
There's actually a legit backstory behind this character.
She used to actually be a good mother, until she saw a Nihilego, and that turned her into the demon she is now.
Her son, Gladion, told Lillie to escape and took a Type: Null with him, which can be used to kill Ultra Beasts.
Lillie doesn't bring anything good with her, so she brings a Cosmog and leaves.
Lusamine gets more and more blind with every day.
Her last words freeze our hearts, then melt them.
"When did you become beautiful...?"

Finally, we have Star Fox.
Have you ever watched Star Wars and wondered "Hey, what happens to the people in TIE Fighters or X-Wings that get blown up?"
Well apparently, they get really injured.
In Star Fox, as well as its Nintendo 64 remake, you fight Star Wolf, Star Fox's rival including Pigma, who was a former member of the original Star Fox.
They want to kill you the first time, and you think they're gone for good, but in the final area of the game, Area 6, you meet them again. They're here to defend Andross.
And...GOD they look terrifying.
You can see by their portraits that they're pretty fragile, and pretty much anything will hurt them.
Heck, Leon lost half of his face and Wolf bled!
This fight just let me know that they want to kill us now.
Not just for Andross' orders, but literally have our heads (Man, I've said that a lot now...).
And with upgraded tech, too, titled the Wolfen II.
Fitting name, eh?
This fight is the same as the other one, with Star Fox's ships being used against yourself.
Do I have anything else to say about this fight?
Am I extremely biased about certain topics, or it could just be that there are more to some fights?
Am I the Dopest of Leafeon and I ope you all have a fabulous day?