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The Late Random Death Battles: Blinky, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde Vs. Boo, King Boo, Big Boo, and Greenie

by DopeLeafeon470

Blinky: Now, where's Pac-Man?
Inky: We haven't seen him for a WHIIILE!
Pinky: As soon as we find him, I wanna give him a big kiss on the cheek!
Clyde: Me too!
Blinky: This mansion looks suspicious. Let's check it out!
Boo: Kekekeke!
Clyde: Hey! Laughing! I wanna laugh too! Hahahaha!
Inky: Shut up Clyde! We might get in trouble!
King Boo: Ooh, visitors! We haven't seen one since Luigi...maybe these cowards will be just like him!
Clyde: Oh yeeeah? We'll see about THAT!
All: Clyde!
Freebie: Hehehehe!
Big Boo: (appears) Surprise!
All: AH!
Blinky: Wait! We're not going down without a fight! (Everything turns black and the outlines of everything turns blue)
Try to stay on your feet! FIGHT!
Blinky: I'm comin' right at ya!
Inky: I'm with you!
Pinky: You guys find your way, I'll find mine!
Clyde: Uh...I'll be right here.
Big Boo: Going somewhere? (Floats)
Clyde: Nope! Staying right here!
Big Boo: Very well... (hovers over and grabs and opens doors and throws out)
Blinky: Clyde! You'll pay for this! (Dashes forward and hurts Big Boo)
(Does combo)
Big Boo: (covers eyes and disappears)
Boo: M'lady!
Pinky: Wow! Nobody calls me that...maybe I'll let you live...just this once.
(King Boo and Boo nod at each other)
(Boo pulls out a metal baseball bat)
(King Boo does the same)
(They both do combos, and King Boo attacks Inky)
(They both attack back, along with Blinky, who attacks Greenie)
Greenie: (doesn't have any attacks)
(Greenie dies)
(King Boo does the combo to kill Inky)
(But Inky respawns)
King Boo: WHAT?!
Inky: (does combo)
(Boo watches)
Boo: Oh no!
Pinky: (does combo)
(Kills Boo)
(Clyde breaks back in)
Clyde: Let's do this!
(They all Attack King Boo and kill him)
Blinky: Piece of cake. Let's go guys, time to look for a real challenge.

This Death Battle's winner is...
The Pac-Man ghost gang!
(They all shift their eyes)
  1. DopeLeafeon470
    Sep 15, 2017
  2. Fraseandchico
    Uh, No.
    Sep 15, 2017