The Braze Brack Nuzrocke run by a loooser.: Blaze Black Craze Snack part 1.2

by Spooky Sploosh

Spooky Sploosh After defeating Yu and his stupidly level 6 Tepig, we meet Maya and the horrifying tutorial Black and White 2 has...this is why I don't play this game as much...and ONE MORE DREADFUL BEGINNING GAME THING.
Maya: ...
Hayter: ...
Maya: ...
Hayter: ...
Bianca: And that is how you heal your Pokémon! Oh and don't forget that to your right there is the Pokemart. The Unova region is kind of different, compared to the other regions...that I know of. Over at the Pokemart, you can buy all sorts of items, such as potions and Pokeballs. Though do keep in mind how much money you have, and not spend too much! There was this one time where I was trying to get probably around twenty Premier Balls. Little did I know, I was rather too short on cash, so I had JUST enough for all of those Pokeballs and Premier Balls. Though I'm pretty sure you won't have the same problems I had. I mean it was two years ago! I didn't know any better! SO yeah, to your left is the P.C. where you can store Pokémon in. You may also withdrawPokemonandbasicallyswitcharoundyourPokemonforyourultimatedreamteamandalsogivethemitemsfromtheboxitselfandyoucanstoresomanyPokemonthattherearelessknownspeciesthanthereisspaceforyourboxblahblahblahblahblahblahblahI'MIMPORTANTDAMMIT! Also I forgot to mention-

2 "Game Minutes" later
Mom: So I heard you are leaving for your journey, huh?
Maya: Yeah...wait a second what?
Nanako: Yup! The whole town is happy for you and my big bro!
Maya: I-I-I never agreed to this! It was simply obtain this Pokémon-
Hayter: Hey. *lights another cigarette*
Maya: -and go on with my life! That's all!
Bianca: Well you can't just have Yu be the only Pokémon trainer from Aspertia for the past sixteen years! Plus it's been a while since Cheren's fought anybody. Nobody challenges him since that whole freeze situation...
Maya: ...So I'm being inflicted with peer pressure to do something I don't like?
Mom: Yes. Exactly.
Maya: *sigh*

Route 19.
Maya: Well, it can't get any worse, can it?
[The tutorials weren't over however!]
Maya: Oh god no...

*2 more game minutes later*
Maya: *sigh* I wonder what I will get...

*Caterpie AW YEAH!*
Hayter: I'll make this quick.
Maya: Wait! Just...mildly injure it.
Hayter: Tch, you're asking for too much from me. *flicks cigarette to the ground*


Rickert the Caterpie was caught!
(tee bee cee)