Best Friends

by Kyuukon

Kyubi and Braixen.png
Kyuukon I'm back once again! So I spent another while drawing Kyubi and Braixen. Braixen's not even my fav but whatever. Anyways, like I said before, feel free to criticize any thing about this. d(=^・ω・^=)b (BTW: I got lazy to put a background so this one won't have one xD)
  1. Kyuukon
    Thank you Aura! I appreciate the thoughts! Now that I looked at it, maybe I could of done the highlights a lot better. I'm glad you liked it. :3

    BTW, I looked through yours and I also really like them, they have variety and they are all very well drawn, so props. (o゚▽゚)
    Jun 17, 2017
    PrincessPika likes this.
  2. Aura
    I think this is super cute! However, I have to say that the highlights in Kyubi's hair are a little jarring as they go against the art style of the rest of the image. If you wanted to make it work I'd suggest adding highlights in other areas so it looks less out of place. That aside, I think you've done Kyubi's eyes really well, and I love the little blushes. Good job!
    Jun 16, 2017
    PrincessPika and Kyubi~ like this.