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BDF: Chap 2 A real Masterpiece

by NerdyNinja

NerdyNinja Yup, Another one again XD And this time with @Karli, but dont want to spoil it too much ;)
It started on a typical saturday, Austin was finally relived, dealing with the shadows, Nightmare trix, and being chased by winx was exhausting... he really needed a break. Thankfully there it was, the grand opening of the art museum for gardenia, He looked around and saw multiple ancient relics, but there was one that caught his attention... a small koin, with a girl on one side, and a maker on the back... it looked somehow...familliar...
but a gaurd blocked his way
" No touching the relics" He said.
and sent austin back.
"well....ruined moment..." Austin said.
He looked at the dreamix armor powers he had, they had the exact shape and size, just the design was different.
"Hmm, well that explains alot" he said.
so he decided to stay on the rooftops until later that night. He would then sneak in, which would have been fine... except, the Winx (Not noticing him) Were also there, on another roof close to him.
"Sewer Apples" He cursed hiding out of their sight.
As they entered the building, Austin decided now would be a good time to head off
He went in the building and there was nobody...
"Well, seems pretty clear"
Until the same gaurd from before appeared.
" I thought i told you not to be here, guess youll learn the hard way Fairy"
He transformed into a shadow creature and dove at Austin, but missed.
" A shadow Creature"!? Austin said kinda surprised.
"You cant stop us WE ARE EVERYWHERE" it said in a nasty voice.
Austin created the winx symbol.
There is a flash of light, and Austin transformed into to his fairy form, blue armor, and huge fairy wings.
Austin flew up and tried to shoot a fire blast, but the shadow was quick,
"Fire Arrow"!
The fire arrow went at the creature, but even that didnt work...
he neede a plan, this thing obviously was too powerful
he needed...some creativity.
he rushed and grabbed the coin from before and sure enough, it was dreamix armor
"NO"! The shadow yelled.
Austin yelled, he then gained a massive pecil liek blade, and a iron helmet.
Dreamix Armor Karli!
The shadow stopped, The winx then arrived.
"There it is"! STella cried.
Bloom then looked at BDF.
"Wait" Bloom said.
"WHY"? Stella asked.
"I think its covered"...
"FLaming Sketch"!
Austin drew a large weapon so incredibly fast, the pencil transformed into a flaming axe, and Austin chopped the shadow, destroying it.
Austin then changed back, and put the dreamix armor coin in his pocket.
He then looked to see the winx.
"Hey"! Stella started, but bloom stopped her.
"Its ok, let him go".
Austin then started to walk past them, when bloom stopped him.
"Next time, call us first".
She gave him a paper, he also took it.
"If i think about it" he joked. and headed out.
Karli, Andrewski and TooBlue12 like this.
  1. NerdyNinja
    Dec 7, 2016
    Karli likes this.