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AX Pilot Episode: Antasma VS Lunala

by DopeLeafeon470

NO RESEARCH...actually I do research these...

(Lunala is flying across Alola, making sure everything is safe)
Lunala: :T
(A shadow appears)
Lunala: :o
(two yellow eyes that look like a mask appear)
(Final Antasma is formed)
Let's get 'er done!

Lunala: (starts off the battle with Shadow Ball)
Antasma: Hahaha! SCREEK! (uses a shadow ball to counter)
Lunala: (gets up close and uses Air Slash)
Antasma: (opens portal)
(The Air Slashes go inside)
(Antasma opens another portal, and they come back out)
Lunala: ! (blocks with wings, causing a big smoke cloud)
(the smoke clears)
(Lunala uses Air Slash again)
Antasma: (spawns Antasmunchies and turns to bats)
(Lunala hits each of them with Phantom Force)
(Antasma reforms)
(Antasma goes into a caccoon and the Antasmunchies guard him)
Lunala: (Shadow Balls each of them)
Antasma: SCREEONK!
(Antasma is healed fully and comes out of the caccoon)
(Portals spawn everywhere, some of them are Antasma's, and vice versa)
(They continue fighting each other, coming in and out of their portals)
(Lunala surprises Antasma)
Antasma: (eats some Antasmunchies and blocks the attack) >:D
Lunala: !
Antasma: (shoves her into a bad portal)
(Lunala is cut by spinning razor blades)
(she comes out)
(She's greeted by a bounch of Antasmas charging up a shadow ball)
Lunala: ! (stops time) Remember children...NEVER trust a bat with a yellow mask.
(Lunala turns to a shadow and disappears)
Antasma: Taught that bat a lesson! You'd think I'd lose again because I lost to an insect with swords! SCREEK!

This Assault's winner is...
(Antasma eats Antasmunchies in celebration)

Have a suggestion for the show? Leave a comment below!
Want me to make this a series? Just...let me know, I guess.