A World Without Color: AWWC Chapter 15 Part 1: The Beginning of The End.

by Silvermist599

Silvermist599 Noah is all alone now; no friends, no allies, and definitely no help coming. His only hope was to find a necklace, but where could it be. You'll see in part 2!
It had been a few days since my friends had been captured. I was outside Mr. Colstrom’s house. It seemed quiet, but I knew I still needed to be careful.

I’d spent the last few days camped out by the shore, making sure no one spotted me. I had found Mr. Colstrom’s house from Nate’s computer files, and in his records it didn’t show him having any security, but who knows what he might have done in the last few days.

I watched and waited. Mr. Colstrom’s car was in the driveway, so he was probably home, which meant I needed to wait for the lights to go out.

Eventually, all the lights went out and I snuck toward the window. I saw Mr. Colstrom sleeping inside, but I didn’t see the necklace. I walked around to the other side of the house and saw a window with a broken latch. I quietly unlocked the latch and snuck inside.

According to Nate’s files, there was a cellar in the house that had unknown contents. Unknown to wherever they got their data from. Wherever they got data about our school principal’s house… That’s something I was not going to question.

I reached the cellar and headed down the stairs. At the bottom, I saw multiple worrying things, but the first thing I did was plug in my flashdrive to his computer and set it to download everything.

His password was easy enough to guess, so I hacked through his system and left it alone to download the data.

While the data was downloading, I looked around the cellar to find the necklace, but instead what I found was much worse.

On Mr. Colstrom’s desk, there were tiny metal squares. There was also a diagram next to it. The diagram showed said squares implanted into the fingers of the person in the diagram and it showed it releasing spires of green electricity into the person. That’s what finally made me realize what had gone on a few days ago. I picked up the device and looked at it. It looked so small and insignificant, but with a flick of a switch it became deadly, and it was somehow implanted into everyone at the school.

Suddenly, I noticed a safe to my left. It had hinges that looked rusty and I was pretty sure I could break it. It took a thin card and used the serrated edge to break the hinges. However, as soon as I did, an alarm came blaring to like. There was a small box in the safe and I grabbed that and my flashdrive before running upstairs.

Mr. Colstrom was awake and running out of his room, but stopped when he saw me. “You,” he said eyes narrowed. “You should never have come here. You should have listened to your mom and been brainwashed like everyone else. Now you’ll have be tortured along with your traitor friends,” he said with no remorse.

I took that as my cue to leave. I ran out the window as fast as I could and I could hear him as he called in guards to pursue me. I ran back in the direction I’d come, toward the forest, but looped around after I went out of view. I was headed toward the school, I needed to save my friends.
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