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Ask Rotom #1

by DopeLeafeon470

DopeLeafeon470 Here goes nothing...AGAIN...
Okay, I'm gonna start a series called Ask Rotom. For now, these questions will be asked by me, and there are 5 of them. You can ask your own question below. The more questions Rotom gets, the longer each Ask Rotom will be. Let's go!

I ask:
Can you turn into a Pokedex?
No. I can't. I wasn't born in Alola.

I ask:
Do the years start coming?
Yes, they do, and they don't stop coming.

I ask:
Why does Grass beat Water?
Because Game Freak wanted to make a counter circle and they got lazy.

I ask:
You seem to know a lot about the games Leafy plays. Why?
What kind of a question is that? I play them with him.

I ask:
Hey, did you see Kindergarten? Do a review on it!
I doubt it. And I'd have to get permission from Leafy to play that on my own...actually...
  1. Stargrounds
    (question for Rotom) Have you tried to make any art?
    Jul 30, 2017