Ask Gladion: Ask Gladion 6 (ITS BACKKKKK)

by alexryce

alexryce That's some pretty definite proof right there.

(To the asker, I actually don't know why either. Gladion seems like a pretty cool guy, not edgy in the slightest, in my opinion!)

(I haven't drawn Gladion in so long... This took me about three tries to get him right. I have to get back in the Gladion rhythm if I'm gonna continue this series...)
  1. UltraBeastUltraWolf
    I don't think hes edgy
    Mar 15, 2021
  2. Devil F1sH
    Devil F1sH
    Wait you like hau x Gladion or.........not?
    Mar 20, 2020
  3. @_SP00KSTER_ZARD_
    Hey Gladion: Ya leik Mudkipz
    Feb 11, 2018
  4. SaiyanDakon
    Hey Gladion: Do you prepare to use Mega Evolution against the Alola Champion?
    Jan 4, 2018
    hopkey123 likes this.
  5. SS-I Never
    SS-I Never
    No, Gladion is edgy. Even the official resources call Gladion "edgy". No joke, that's what they were trying to go for. And if you seen the anime, he does some pretty angsty things.
    (Also, what's with that pose he does before every battle, and how he glares you down.)

    At least, this is just my sill lil' opinion.
    Nov 26, 2017