ASHE Chapter 2: Gloves off part 2

by NerdyNinja

"So... any Volunteers"? Miss Goodwitch asked.
Austin's mind nearly had been blow. Not only did he have an offbalanced but cool start at beacon, but now he has a chance to show off his "Mad Skills". Austin's hand was the very first to go up, infact he almost went over a row of students, jumping up and down.
"I can't wait"! He cried he raced down to the arena ready to battle.
"It seems we have a volunteer, any others"? Goodwitch asked.
There was an awkward silence asif nobody really wanted to do a practice fight. Even if it was practice, Austin can't turn down a challenge, he soon reconsidered that maybe no one was going to fight beacause
A: they think they're way better or
B: They're too scared or shy to go onstage like the ambitous Austin had done.
He was about to walk off the stadium, when one voice shouted,
"I'll take him on"!
"Crap"! Austin mumbled "Not who I think it is".
the figure aproached the stadium,
"Well then" Goodwitch said.
"C'mon up! Yang Xaio Long"!

The closer Yang came the more Austin sweat. he felt neverous, excited, almost like a heart attack. At last, she reached the final step, and stood on the stadium floor she stood opposite of Austin.

"Now your gonna see what a real Huntress can do Rookie"! She called out.

her yellow bracelets then transformed into two golden gauntlets. She pulled out whatlooked like tiny bullet shell straps, and loaded them into her weapon. Austin took out four metal objects from his bookbag. Two big metalic gloves, and two metalic boots.He strapped hem onto his arms and legs.
Friend or no friend, Austin never backed down from a challenge, and he wasn't going to start now. No matter who he battled, he could never give up, espcially on his first day.

"Now, bfore we begin" Glynda started.
"For those of you who are new, these, are Aura bars".
She pointed out two bars on a huge screen. On bar had a picture of Austin above it, and the other had a picture of Yang.
"Aura", she continued.
"is what protects you, it can also heal minor wounds. But the more you use it, the more your aura has to recharge, if you run out, it cannont protect you from harm. These are the rules of these battles, lower your opponents aura bar to 0. Whoever can get thier opponents bar to 0 first wins".
Yang stood in a fighter's stance, Austin slammed his two metal gloves together smiling.

"And... BEGIN"! Goodwitch announced.
Yang quickly started punching the air, activating her stogun gauntlets firing explosive rounds. Austin quickly blocked the explosions with his gloves. He put his hands down and grinned.
"That's all you got"!? Austin taunted.
There was a small reaction from the crowd, Sam facepalmed himself and groaned.

"You idiot" He sighed.
"You've only seen the beggining"! Yang said.
Yang ushed and stated to thro vast punches, but Austin was quick with his metalic boots. dodging the attacks. but he dodged a liitle to fast and got struck by a suprise kick. He fell to the ground and got back up.
"Okay, so you have a little kick". Austin joked.
Austin stood perfectly still, not moving a muscle. The audience looked a little confused. While sam just layed back laughing.
"There ya go! Works evey time" He said.
Yang had no idea why her opponent was not moving, she didn't want to make a wrong move so she decided to have an indirect approach. She fired two explosive blasts at Austin, but the blats went right through him, and he dissapered.
"What"!? Yang said surprised.
The audience had the same reaction.
"That's Austin's semblence kicking in. When struck, his power and speed rises. the more hits, the stronger he gets, kinda like a sponge when sucking up water". He explained.
Just then, Austin appeared from behind, and shot sticky pink goo, which glued Yang's arms to the wall. Austin then took out his glove as it started to glow. He felt his conicousness nit at him, maybe he should miss, or wait for Yang to break free. either way he had to shoot his glove now. He was ready to fire when the most unusualist thing happened, something nobody expected...

"I Forfeit"! yang stated.
"Wait What"!? Austin said shocked. he repelled his weapon back.
"Are you sure miss Long"? Goodwitch asked. Yang broke out of the goo.
"Yup, I'm sure"! Yang said cheerfully.
"Well okay then, I guess winner by default is mr. Davenport".

The crowd was silent at first, then was erupting with cheers, as Austin won his first official battle, and knew that next time , it would be for real...
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