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As Autumn Falls...

by DefyTheLimes77

As Autumn Falls.png
DefyTheLimes77 Wow, I haven't done digital art in a while. XD Just a relatively quick drawing I did as this pretty thing just showed up on my HeartGold game! Still waiting for that Cresselia, but Chikorita also has a lovely shiny in my opinion. It's nearly perfect timing too, since it's officially fall tomorrow~
  1. Lucario65
    Its a Chikorita with autumn colors. I like it! Its cute! And also a Amazing drawing!
    Sep 28, 2017
    DefyTheLimes77 likes this.
  2. DefyTheLimes77
    @TheAssasinRiolu Yeah, I really love the autumn-themed shinies. It's a huge shame that Leafeon got left out.
    Sep 22, 2017
    33v33_lover likes this.
  3. Luke The Riolu
    Luke The Riolu

    I like how Pear-mon turns into a brownish color of the leaves in Autumn
    Sep 22, 2017
  4. GreninjaTrainer013
    As Autumn Falls... A New Chikorita Comes.
    Sep 22, 2017
    33v33_lover and DefyTheLimes77 like this.