The Draft Folder: Artist's Block²

by Aura

Aura I started working on this in October of last year, and while I really like the concept and how it's turned out so far, I just have no passion about completing it at the moment. I think it would be a shame to just leave it sitting on my computer for any longer so... here you go I guess. Hopefully I'll get back to it one day.

If you're wondering, the concept behind it was a guy getting artist's block... and now I've gotten artist's block from drawing it... Huh.
medacris, Teapot, BooBerry and 23 others like this.
  1. Finley Moon
    Finley Moon
    I love your 3D models they look great! I find it no.arious that someone put the main problem of all artists! Did u make this when you were having artists block?
    Mar 27, 2018
  2. MrMeenki968
    this is a really nice piece, I think the color selection is really nice! I also really like the linework! Good job!
    Mar 22, 2018
    Aura likes this.
  3. sSoul
    If this is what the unfinished product looks like, then I can't wait to see the finishd product also
    *irony intensifies
    Mar 21, 2018
    Aura likes this.
  4. Psycho Monkey
    Psycho Monkey
    Shhh Don't tell anyone it's unfinished because I was none the wiser until you said it was. :p As it is, I think it stands on its own very well.

    (I also want that Organization XIII book)
    Mar 17, 2018
    Aura likes this.