Yep, this is the "Alpha/Beta Version" of T'Trenkou. He and T'Trenkou don't mind battling against a defeated champion, they want to complete the Pokédex...
Well, about the first Xavier: He was planned to be something like the rival of old Combusken and old Katarina. But, I changed so much things, and Xavier was forgotten with the time... NOPE, I really wanted to ressurrect it! Probably, if I was possible to edit very good sprites in the start of my "carrer", the history now should be (very) different! But, there's no way to come back to the past, (WHY?! T-T) so, T'Trenkou rules. *CSI Yeaaaaaaaah*
Hope you like it! Thanks, now have fun.
Another Quosteria Trainer: Xavier - sprite
by CombuskenBrazil