A rather large gallery of many (but not all) of my (and one of Linkachu's) Pokémon OCs over the years, in sprite form, in no particular order. As with the Miato gallery, these buggers have been created over assorted time periods and therefore the quality and anatomy sort of bounces up and down like a hyperactive yapdog.
Christine Evans (At the End of the Wilderness outfit), Cori, Darren Sinclair, Emily Sylvanhart, Erin McRade, Gad Sylvanhart, Glenn Hendrix, Mori Hayashitani, RPE Gad (Second Phase Era), RPE Katie (one of Linkachu's), Ryna, Willow Deschaine and Thirdspace Gad.
Spritework: An Assortment of Trainers
by StellarWind Elsydeon