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Custom Alolan Forms: Alolan Zorua and Zoroark

by Joy~

Alolan Zorua and Zoroark.png
Joy~ Phew! It took all day, but i finally finished this piece!
This is Alolan Zorua/Zoroark, As requested by @SkySilvally!

Feel free to make a request yourself, and make sure to include any extra details!
(Note, if you don't include the details in your main comment, pm me insted)

This artwork is Mine, but you are allowed to use it if you ask permision and give credit.
SkySilvally is also allowed to use this specific artwork.
  1. Joy~
    Well, take ur drawing, and if you have a printer then scan it onto the computer using the printer. (Thats what i do)
    Then u could e-mail it to me or something similar and i could color it and such. (Fun fact, i use photoshop elements to color and draw)
    Jan 29, 2017
  2. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    Maybe! Except I only like outlining with pencil/pen, and not digital. I love pencil drawings :3
    I have to agree with your opinion that digital outlining is horrendous and takes me 4677544 hours ;-;
    Jan 29, 2017
  3. Joy~
    haha. Maybe you could tag me in pictures and i could color them XD
    Jan 29, 2017
  4. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    I actually enjoy outlining but am often too lazy to color, so I'm the opposite haha x3
    Jan 29, 2017
    Joy~ likes this.
  5. Joy~
    :D Cool! It is actually really fun when you get past outlining ♥
    Jan 29, 2017
    SkySilvally likes this.
  6. Fiji Water
    Fiji Water
    IT'S AMAZING *.*
    Thank you for taking the time to do this for me, I love it ♥

    Going on my profile under my art done for me section now!! :D
    Jan 29, 2017
  7. Joy~
    Is the blue shiny good enough? ;p
    Jan 29, 2017
    SkySilvally likes this.