Alola Starters

by Atsuko-Chan

Littenartkawaii.png poppliokawaiiart.png ROWLETARTKAWAII.png
Atsuko-Chan Yo minna!! I'll just show you guys my development (^U^), anyway has a bonus i'll show to minna-san my new draws of Alola Starters.
Well i'll just come sometimes to Charm's so i'm pretty sure that i will disappear again (^3^)
~so i'm not dead yet
Hope you guys enjoyed, they look so KAWAII (>U<)
  1. Ariados twice
    Ariados twice
    Jul 20, 2016
  2. Grace Sapphire
    Grace Sapphire
    This is so adorbs..... I can't pick which one is the cutest:love:
    Jul 19, 2016
    Kitty Noir likes this.
  3. Grand red
    Grand red
    So kawaii!!!
    Jul 16, 2016
  4. Sparklespot336
    Omg so cute, you're such a good drawer! #TeamPopplio
    Jul 16, 2016
    Kitty Noir and Atsuko-Chan like this.
  5. Poke-Theorizing-101
    #Pokemon20 SO ADORABLE
    Jul 14, 2016
    Kitty Noir likes this.
  6. Ariados twice
    Ariados twice
    So cute!
    Jul 14, 2016