Alola Leaf (Blue)

by nuclearsushi

nuclearsushi After seeing these adorable pieces of fanart, I wanted to try my hand at a grown-up Leaf/Blue. Very messy but it was a lot of fun.
  1. sSoul
    Very very good 10/10 would recommend more fan art
    Jul 31, 2017
  2. Ethan Russell
    Ethan Russell
    Game freak pls add
    Nov 13, 2016
  3. Fraseandchico
    This is sooooo awesome!!!!!By the way can u try to make an aloha gold and silver pls, I would like to see how an amazing artist would draw them as adults
    Nov 12, 2016
    koopa000 likes this.
  4. Steven quarts universe
    Steven quarts universe
    Thanks :) il get working next time I see you I hope I'll be better
    Nov 11, 2016
    E.K.A.N.S. and nuclearsushi like this.
  5. nuclearsushi
    @Pokemon academy trainer Well, when I was four, I started drawing on the wall with my markers. And when my parents got mad, I started drawing on paper. I drew in my class notebooks when I didn't have sketchbooks. I use to vandalize my homework with doodles all the time. And I have tons of sketchbooks that are full of unfinished drawings I did with sharpie pens and colored pencils. And then, when I was old enough to afford it, I got myself a tablet and started digital art. But, don't draw on walls with markers. I mean, you can, but like people will get mad probably. You could draw on napkins with a cheap ink pen if that's all you have.

    And maybe you're like, "nuclearsushi, that's not what I meant. I mean, like, what do I draw?" I have an answer for that too! You can draw whatever the fuck you want, man. I liked to draw pretty girls. And I still do. But that's what I started drawing first. I drew all kinds of pretty girls in all kinds of colors. And I was like, "Shit, man. I'm the fucking best." And I still think that way sometimes, lol. I wasn't really good at drawing boys. I had to practice that for a long time. I'm still not even that good at it. And I was really bad at drawing animals. That took a lot more practice. I mostly drew things from my own imagination. I have a ton of OCs that exist in a multiverse of stories in my head. And, then I started drawing fanart because I wanted to draw art of stuff I liked that other people made.

    It's all up to you. Just make sure it's something you love and have fun with. I hope I gave you some ideas. You can do it!
    Nov 11, 2016
    E.K.A.N.S., Palusokudo and Teapot like this.
  6. Steven quarts universe
    Steven quarts universe
    Thanks but I don't know where to start nuclearsushi
    Nov 11, 2016
    E.K.A.N.S. and nuclearsushi like this.
  7. nuclearsushi
    @Pokémon academy trainer Practice, practice, practice! I've been drawing for 20 years. Seriously. I started drawing when I was 4 years old and I loved it so much I never stopped. I have made drawing a priority in my life, and not because I have this mindset of "I WANNA BE THE BEST ARTIST EVER!" but because I have the mindset of "I FUCKING LOVE TO DRAW!" If you really want to draw, do it because you love it. And as you draw, you'll learn and you'll improve without even knowing that you did. So Just Do It. It'll be awesome. :up::up::up:
    Nov 11, 2016
  8. Cloudswift
    lol just realized I was so impressed I forgot to like it!
    Nov 11, 2016
    nuclearsushi likes this.
  9. Steven quarts universe
    Steven quarts universe
    I wish I could draw
    Nov 11, 2016
  10. Ethan Russell
    Ethan Russell
    Dang, you nailed the art style and nailed what Green looks like
    Nov 8, 2016
    nuclearsushi likes this.
  11. Andrew Clark
    Andrew Clark
    This is legit!
    Nov 6, 2016
    nuclearsushi likes this.
  12. John aka47
    John aka47
    She looks buetiful.i cant spell anithyng rigt
    Nov 5, 2016
  13. Flame the Trainer
    Nov 2, 2016
  14. Cloudswift
    @Shiny Lyni Ikr I need to learn how to draw hands... ALL I CAN DRAW IS MITTENS!!! >=O Raging at my lack of artistic talent...
    Nov 2, 2016
  15. Psycho Monkey
    Psycho Monkey
    *Squee* Leaf! ♥ You made her so cute too! I love seeing fanart of her since she's pretty much "the female choice" in FRLG with no acknowledgement anywhere else in game canon.
    Oct 31, 2016
    AspenTR33 and nuclearsushi like this.
  16. Shiny Pyxis
    Shiny Pyxis
    Leaf needs all the love she can get. So underappreciated by the official peeps ;;

    Oct 31, 2016
  17. nuclearsushi
    @Mr.Munchlax Thanks! I originally planned to keep her hat from FRLG but I was too lazy to draw that shit lol >_<
    Oct 31, 2016
    AspenTR33 and Mr.Munchlax like this.
  18. Mr.Munchlax
    Wow, this looks like a great design though if anything Leaf should either keep her straw hat from FR/LG or some sort accessory based on her outfit from RBG.

    Aside from that, this looks really good, & I think it's even better than the stuff that inspired you to make this
    Oct 31, 2016
    AspenTR33 likes this.