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All About Mysta - The Shadow Region: All About Mysta - Chapter Two - Glowfir City

by SylvieThePokemonTrainer

SylvieThePokemonTrainer All about Mysta, the Pokemon Shadow region. This is chapter two, all about Glowfir City.
Link to the picture of Mysta -> https://pokecharms.com/works/my-fanmade-region-the-shadow-region.40691/
So, carrying on from the last chapter, all about Moonem Town, this chapter is about Glowfir City!

Glowfir City is a gorgeous, large city with bustling streets and lovely modern apartment complexes. However, this is one side of the city - when you get onto the other side, everything is not modern - with great scenery, old fashioned houses (but modernized every-day appliances) and big fields, filled with crops, such as corn, carrots, wheat, potatoes, barley and others.

Glowfir City is a coastal city, a rocky beach all along the city. Although this beach is very rocky and not very nice for children, the water is a little cleaner here, giving swimmers and scuba divers a gigantic swimming pool, and it even has a little pier. The pier is quite long, with food stalls and drink stalls, but a long bridge at the end of the pier turns right, and leads onto an island, with an arcade and a pier theme park, with rides and crane machines and even a bowling alley.

To get to Glowfir City you have to go through Route One, Route Two or Route Four to reach it. It's neighboring towns/cities are Jewline Town and Moonem Town - although people always compare Glowfir City to Moonem Town and Jewline Town, and Glowfir City is always the best.

An interesting piece of information - Glowfir City was named Glowfir City due to all the greenery growing fir trees that glow a beautiful pink-purple colour. Mysta sure is mysterious, isn't it?

Glowfir City has a Pokemon Center, a Pokemart, no schools but a few playgrounds for children - a couple of other shops, and buildings, like any other city or town. Glowfir City does have a High School though, which makes Glowfir City quite a bit more popular. Glowfir City has quite a lot of people living in it - around two hundred people - barely any elderly people, and around 40% of the population are teenagers.

Glowfir City, overall, is a nice place to live, especially for parents raising teenagers, due to the High School on the coastal side of the city. Every single building has an old-fashioned style to it but is modernized in the actual insides of the homes and apartments. It has lots of greenery and Pokemon thrive in this town also - especially Electric, Flying, Bug, Grass, Ground, Rock and Water Pokemon, because this city has a lot of different landscapes and greenery to it.

So, this is the second chapter of All About Mysta, Glowfir City! Next up, Jewline Town!
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