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Aliaca's Drawing Request - Kasai The Flareon

by SylvieThePokemonTrainer

Kasai The Flareon.png
SylvieThePokemonTrainer Aliace's Psychic Flareon, Kasai!
"Kasai is my Flareon, and not just any Flareon. She has tapped into her psyche and discovered she has psychic powers. She is found reading my mind almost constantly and often had the answers to questions I ask myself. She's practically my conscience." ~ Aliace.

So, @Aliace , Kasai is finished! I hope you like it! I've been drawing this since last night =D (I mean I started drawing it last night, slept, finished it today XD)

I drew this completely freestyle, only using pictures of Flareon for reference to draw it correctly. =) I hope you think its good @Aliace and everybody who sees this! =D
Aliace, Ariados twice and TooBlue12 like this.
  1. SylvieThePokemonTrainer
    I can't get the hang of any other program XD I feel like a n00b artist for using Paint lol. But thank you! =D *Gets omnomd* HEEELP! *Flails around like a Magikarp*
    Oct 8, 2017
  2. Aliace
    ............................. WHY CAN'T I TELEPORT THROUGH THE SCREEN AND HUG YOU?!?! It's so cute!!! And you seriously just used a paint program on your pc? Girl... You're amazing! *Omnomz onto your head like Victreebel did to James in the Pokemon anime* XD
    Oct 8, 2017