Albino Kiwi holding a Umbrella

by Atsuko-Chan

Atsuko-Chan Wait, Kiwis have no hands, nor wing. How is he holding a umbrella?
Magic. Kiwis are wizards.

He's albino
  1. Joy~
    AWWWW THIS is the PeRFECT example of what i want my art style to be! YESS! :3 its so adorable.
    Oct 19, 2017
    Atsuko-Chan likes this.
  2. Luke The Riolu
    Luke The Riolu
    It's been a while since I've seen Kiwi Bird Drawings and I know why they aren't famous . . . If you managed to draw one that many people noticed and likes well you just spread a virus called . . . AWW GOD ITS SO FREAKIN CUTE I WANNA HUG IT AND PLAY WITH IT AND LET IT FLOAT DOWN WITH ITS UMBRELLA YOU JUST KILLED ME WITH CUTENESS ARGHH !!!!
    Oct 2, 2017
    Atsuko-Chan likes this.
  3. Lenna Minions
    Lenna Minions
    Wonnn so cute! OwO
    PS : hail atsuko
    Kkk eae men
    Oct 2, 2017