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A Visit To the Past

by DopeLeafeon470

Don't you ever wonder if we can ever visit our past selves?
I don't know. Let's use that thingamajig that Eeveechu used to get us into HIS universe.
No, we fell out of that, should we just wait until he opens another portal?
...I'm starting to lose will...
Look! A portal! Dive into it! (dives into it)
Eeveechu: What the heck?
Dope: Eeveechu! HALP MEH!
Eeveechu: Ah...okay. So, you wanted to use this?
Dope: Yes.
Rotom: Pwnd!
Dope: Okay, see ya. (goes into portal)
Past!Leafeon: Hey, I'm DopeLeafeon!
Past!Rotom: And I'm Rotom!
Past!Leafeon: And we're here to...hey, what is that thing?
Dope: Hello, me from the past! You look...different...
Past!Leafeon: YOU look different.
Dope: That's because I'm YOU! From the future!
Past!Leafeon: Woah...am I popular?
Dope: Sorta.
Past!Leafeon: Did I befriend Mewtwofan?
Dope: Sorta.
Past!Leafeon: Did I join the Death Battle crew?
Dope: Sorta.
Past!Leafeon: Did I create a different series?
Dope: Sorta.
Past!Leafeon: Is the Truth Behind the most popular series on Pokecharms?
Dope: Uh...no. But we got a collaborator?
Past!Leafeon: Eh. That works.
Dope: So anyway, there's something I need to tell you.
Past!Leafeon: What?
Dope: Stop with that profile pic, it's atrocious.
Past!Leafeon: It's the only image I have, so shaddup!
Dope: Then find new ones. Seriously. Anyway, I have to go back to my own time, so see ya later!
Past!Leafeon: K bi