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The shadows: A time before light, before physicality......

by Blackoutt

Blackoutt Destructos recalls his life as he finds somewhere dark to sleep.
"My name is Destructos. I have been separated from my brothers, and I find our time is long lost, just like my sword of shadow........
"We were so young. So naive. We thought we were the only things in existence. We thought we were invincible.......
"Then, in our frolicking, I made a hole. It was a little hole, but from this hole came light, and from light came that bloated sun headed shiny white man, and all of his children.......
"Then, that man made a
earth as he called it......
"A young boy, maybe ten, came up to us and asked what we stood for, and I said 'freedom!revenge!'
Upon this, he left and told others about us. He convinced some of the people to join us, but sacrificed his high standing with the man......
"Ah. This cave looks comfy...
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