Pokemon Re-typings: A re-typing of Primarina

by Noivernhunter34

Primarina Re-type.png
Noivernhunter34 So, i have re-typed another pokemon.Hope you all like it!I tried very hard to make it realistic.Also, if anyone has any suggestions for which pokemon i should type-swap next, please either PM me or post your suggestion on here.
~Rinko~, UmbreonEevee, kizomu and 5 others like this.
  1. Noivernhunter34
    Sure!I'll do it now, as i don't have much to do!
    May 12, 2018
  2. T.C.
    Do a bug type Rattata next.
    May 12, 2018
    Noivernhunter34 and Nebulix like this.