10 Facts About...: 10 Facts About Choco the Diggersby

by Formerly Known as Sticks

Formerly Known as Sticks 10 Facts About Mr. Chill Himself, Choco.
1. Choco has a sibling, Vanilla, that is usually away doing... Whatever she does.
2. Choco's favorite music artist and idol is Bob Marley.
3. Due to this, Choco often substitutes "Oh my Arceus" for "Oh my Marley."
4. Choco is named after the popular sweet, chocolate, due to him having an extreme fondness for it.
5. Choco rarely uses his legs, instead using his large ears to walk.
6. Pix loves to ship Choco with Lopunny's, although Choco usually doesn't care.
7. Choco's favorite phrase, "Is chill your bones."
8. Choco's best friends are Aeau the Vaporeon and Mango the Dragonite. (Both my OC's)
9. Choco call his group of friends "The Chill Squad."
10. Choco wears a hat that is an exact replica of Bob Marley's. Dreadlocks and all.