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1 Thing That Made Me Cry

by DopeLeafeon470

I'm gonna be honest with you: I'm not a crybaby. I'm not what you call an Asriel, or Sadness. My body just doesn't do that. Sometimes I feel like a monster when I'm not. Like those sacrifices in movies? I never cry. But one day in November 2016, I got a game called Pokemon Sun.
It was the best Pokemon game I had ever played. Game Freak really went all out on this one. The graphics, the Pokemon, and no, I didn't care about the Sandygast/Pallossand problem, the characters, it was a big hallelujah for me! Even if it DIDN'T have gyms or anything like that, it was better than that, if anything. I definitely had the best time of my life playing this game. No wonder it had so much hype! But then...the day came.
The day came where I had to end my game.
Lillie, the girl you've been pretty much DATING this whole time, is now leaving to Kanto to help her mother. Yeah? Uh-huh? Bill's there? That's no excuse! Bill doesn't even specialize in Ultra Beasts, he doesn't even know what they are, so he wouldn't know how to take care of Lusamine! And this was all because the Aether Foundation existed! We would be better off without Lillie, so we wouldn't have to cry at the end. Oh yeah, the credits make you cry too.
The message is, if you don't cry at some things, that's okay. But if you feel really connected to characters of a media of some sort, and they go away or die, then that should make you cry, or at least make you sad. Don't be afraid to let it out, and you can quote me on this:
33v33_lover and Mewtwofan259 like this.
  1. DopeLeafeon470
    Tomato, tomato.
    Aug 9, 2017
    33v33_lover likes this.
  2. Mewtwofan259
    You don't get Dehydration from not being able to breath.
    Aug 9, 2017
    33v33_lover likes this.
  3. DopeLeafeon470
    Well, it could've been dehydration. After all, Lillie WAS scared about the whole "hard to breath air" thing.
    Aug 9, 2017
    33v33_lover likes this.
  4. Mewtwofan259
    I thought Lusamine had died for a second in the Ultra Beast thing, and I would Applaud Game Freak for doing that.
    Aug 9, 2017
    33v33_lover likes this.